Saturday, September 10, 2016


So one of the things that have always been hard for me when I'm attempting to lose weight is travel.
Traveling especially to visit my parents.  They're supportive yet offer me things like "apple turn overs".  

I set off to drive down to visit on Thursday.  While I didn't eat anywhere close to healthy, I had my supplies with me.   My DVDs, my shakeology, and some food items to eat while at their house.

Thursday at the hotel, after hours on the road after an 8 hour work day, I didn't do my Pilates as I forgot that disk. However I did find a stretching workout on YouTube and did that.  It was really needed after being cooped up inside the car.    I went to bed feeling -not so stiff.

Friday morning I was set to have my shake, but the little refrigerator froze my pineapple juice.   I didn't have a bowl for my oats, so I ended up at McD's for breakfast (boo).  
The rest of the day was much better.  I ate healthy for lunch and dinner. I had my shake. I made a healthy dinner and I took my Jacky-poo on a walk.   Trying to do my workout turned into a chore.  They don't have a DVD hooked up to the tv. The DVD wouldn't work in my laptop.  I ended up putting the DVD in a small portable DVD player.  
So I did do my workout.

Also, mother nature visited me for a second time. So I take that to mean I'm still on the right track.  I can really do without the headache and cramping.  

I did jump on the scale her and if it is the truth, I've lost a few pounds. I won't log it though until I am back home. I don't know if it is accurate or the scale is different.    So after weeks of being stalled, this scale says I'm moving on again.

I'm also in my 3rd round of 21 day fix.   Fingers x'd.  
I am highly considering getting the new DVDs of the 21 Day Fix-country ...whatever it's called. It's supposably a dancing (county) routine workout.  Something to mix it up and something I might enjoy.  We'll see.

So the reason I'm in Tenn is tomorrow is my parents 45th wedding anniversary.  Since I won't see them again until January and there was some time available, I figured I'd come celebrate. My brother and I will be going to dinner with them. :)

SO HAPPY 45th Anniversary Mom & Dad..

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