Saturday, September 24, 2016

Vacation Part 2

Vacation part 2.

So today (Thursday) I was reminded of the REAL thought that started me on the "I need to get in shape" wagon.   It happened a few days before the wedding.  The wedding & that picture, secured my position on having to do something, but this thought was the spark.

This year hub and I celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary.  I wanted to do something big, something special to commemorate it. Now-a-days it's a big accomplishment to reach that milestone. After all our previous plans didn't pan out, we decided to do 2 days at the Belamere and 3 days in Hocking Hills.  Hub is the one who suggested HH and it would allow him his nature, hiking and cave exploration that he loves so much.

I booked our hotel & cabin on June 26 and I remember thinking at the time that I "really need to get in shape for this trip".  I knew it involved hiking and caves and all that jazz.  I knew in my current state that I would not be able to keep up with him.   At the time of the booking my knee was a messed up joke and walking for any extended periods aggravated both my knee and my back.  Let's not even get into the being overweight and not able to do any sort of physical exercise or not being flexible enough to do much of anything.

I forgot all those thoughts and realities since I was so hung up on the nasty picture.

Today I was reminded.   Yesterday we did Ash Cave and Cedar Falls.   There was plenty of walking and stairs ..lots and lots of stairs.Today was the big day.   We did Old Man's Cave, Conkles Hollow, Rock House, and Cantwell Cliffs.

There was much rock climbing, stair climbing, nature walks, and all sorts of physical exertion required. It took us 4 hours to do all those places.  We're thinking we covered over 3.5 miles of trails alone (and all that climbing of stairs and rocks and hills in that time).

It was fun for the most part.   My body pretty much had it by the time we climbed down some narrow cliff stairs at Cantwell Cliffs.  One thought that kept going through my mind was "I could never have done this a few months ago." This isn't a joke, I would NEVER HAVE BEEN ABLE TO do this.  I had to rely on my knee to hold up on some of these climbs.  I could never have had the stamina before.  I would not have had the flexibility.  I would have let Rich down since I would not have been able to join him on most of these trails.

This is where I'm Thanking God. Thanking Stacey. Thanking me for working hard to get where I am today. Thanking God that I made that doctor's appointment to get my knee looked at and get the injection. I may not be any where near my goal weight. I may not look fit.  I may still be wearing the plus sizes I was wearing.  I did realize that in spite of all that, I was able to accomplish something these past two days.   I was able to go with my husband who loves doing all that and join him as we celebrate 20 years.

I know I'll feel this tomorrow (Heck I'm feeling it in my legs and butt now), but I was able to do all that.  I was a sweaty gross mess, but we spent the day being physically active together.    I'm just so happy about that.   Today was physically demanding and I did it.  I DID IT!!!!
Pooltime at the Belamere

All those weeks spent working out to Autumn with the day fix program has made more than a weight/inches difference--it's uplifting.

Let me just comment here on one thing.....THOSE STAIRS. OH DEAR LORD those stairs.   I am hoping that these posts will include the stairs and views.

Tomorrow we head home.  I'm happy. We had a great vacation and will hopefully doing more next year.   Tomorrow I get to see my babies again. I missed my babies.   I hope they don't hate me....

So, Peryn had surgery and is wearing a Cone of Shame..and he keeps ramming into my calves....OH DEAR LORD.  Two days later and I'm still hurting.  

Quickly jumped on the scale and did a quick measurement...not happy.......I think I need someone else to take my measurements......
Day 1-Ash Cave

Ash Cave
View towards ground

So on a quick note, I wanted to congratulate a friend of mine. We've talked about our weight and health issues before and she's made some significant strides in the past 6 months. I'm super psyched for her... so Congrats Jen!

Day 1 Cedar Falls

more stairs
Cedar Falls


day 2 stop 2
day 2 stop 3
Day 2 stop 4

more stairs

oh look...stairs..


my calves are aching

look down there...

Oh goodie...more...

climbed over those rocks...

excuse me while I go cry


Instead of, fallen trees, and other obstacles.

Yep....NARROW stairs...

I stopped half way down...

No stairs....but more walking trails...

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