Friday, September 23, 2016

Vacation part 1

Hey!   Sorry for the delay, but we were away for vacation. This year is our 20th anniversary and we wanted to do something special. We rarely ....(like NEVER) have gone away for a weeks vacation since returning to the US way back in '99.  

We spent 2 nights at the Belamere Suites in Perrysburg, Ohio. We had our own pool so I worked out each day and then proceeded to swim. We swam about 3x a day, so I definitely got my workout in.   Eating --wasn't the greatest, but I did not go overboard.

After checking out of the Belamere on Tuesday, we headed down to Hocking Hills.   Since I worked out early on Tuesday, I didn't worry about it.     We grocery shopped for groceries before checking in at our cabin.

Internet is intermittent and there is no cell reception here, but that is fine.  I won't be posting this until we actually return home.  The internet connection will be better to post the pics.

So we checked into our cute cabin (greeted by the dogs owners) and just relaxed on day one.
Day 2 we checked out Ash Cave and Cedar Falls.  Good news was it was quite a hike for me and got me sweating and working on my legs.  Bad news...the dry summer we had made the waterfall view (which I was to see at both Ash & Cedar) was non-existent.

Tomorrow we are heading to Old Man's Cave and another location TBD.  
We're heading home Friday and get to pick up our babies.  

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