Sunday, September 1, 2013

The struggle continues.....

Well, today I start week 3.   This week has been eventful, diet wise. 

Right now, I'm not sure where to start. I had all these ideas on how to start this until it came to this moment of actually starting.

This week was a bit easier. I did have a moment or two of severe temptation.  There was a bridal shower for a member of the division at work. Pizza and cake were the enemies. I wanted them so badly but I did refrain.   The cake looked and smelled fabulous.   I refrained and happy that I had the strength to do so.

We had some enjoyable meals this week.   I'm paying a lot more attention to portions and measuring.

I was doing quite well until last night. We attended a Labor Day BBQ. It was the first time I've been in a situation in which I did not have control over my meal.   I did my best to keep my portions and food choices healthy.  I did well until later when a taco dip.  Sadly, I did not do well.   I'm so mad at myself for that.
I did take a walk during the BBQ to try and increase my steps.   

I went to bed severely disappointed in myself.   

This morning, we took Duchess to Beaver Creek trail for a walk.  I am extremely happy to report that I was able to do the entire walk with no back pain. In fact, I briefly considered doing the trail again.   I felt fabulous.  We came home and I did a half hour on the bike.

I'm still feeling fabulous and feel like doing more. Maybe I'll walk Duchess more or get back on the bike.

Getting on the scale each morning has been encouraging (except this morning).
As of YESTERDAY morning, the scale indicated that I had lost 12 lbs.  This morning, it indicated 10.    Very discouraging. I know that most of it has been water weight and slow down is expected. I just didn't think i'd see it immediately after my discouraging night.

So that's the news this week. I'm down 10 lbs as of this morning.  

Still working on getting my steps up and keeping my nutritional intake down.   I l hope that I stay on track and continue to lose.


  1. You are doing great! So proud of you!

  2. That is awesome that you walked Beaver Creek with no back pain. That is a fairly intense trail with lots of hills! PROGRESS!

    1. I feel like at this point I've more than conquered Beaver Creek. Next chapter, doing it twice.

  3. I know you can do it. You have to try not to feel so guilty when you cheat. Now ESPECIALLY is the time that you CAN cheat. Post surgery you will not be as easily able to "stomach" a cheat day.

    Life is for living and every once in a while we indulge. Don't sweat it. You will drop an extra pound in a day or two to make up for it. I splurged with a Panini Turkey Sandwich stuffed with fries the other night and I haven't had carbs all year... so that was a major slip for me. I enjoyed it while it was going down, but I too felt SOOOO guilty, and of course I paid for it the next day. My body actually "rejected it" if you know what I mean! LOL

    Hang in there sweets! You are starting out great!
