Sunday, December 28, 2014

December 28, 2014

Hey! Merry Christmas! (and Happy "Whichever holiday" you celebrate).

Few more days until 2015. Time flies. 

Well,  this weekend I started my new workout. I'm doing those walking videos.   Gretchen suggested them, I just finally got around to buying one and downloading a few others.   Good workouts. Little room required.  Easy on the body AND gets my step count up!   Woo Hoo!.  

I'll let you know how good I am at doing them during the week.   Three days in a row does not a pattern make.

Today I'm prepping to go to a family get together tonight.   I ended up making a second item. A diet Cola Cake.  

When all said and done, a piece is about 110 calories, 2.4 grams of fat and 12 grams of sugar.

 That's for both the cake AND frosting.

Versus 145 calories, 7 grams of fat, 10 grams of sugar in the CAKE ALONE.

Pretty cool.   Plus I modified a few things to give it a little more taste to make up for the lack of sugar. It's pretty good.  I'm hoping it solidifies a bit better in the fridge. Right now it's very crumbly. 

I've been walking the dogs as well as doing what I can exercise wise. I am still having some severe knee issues. Additionally, I'm having back issues. It's not the same issues I had before. MY back has really been bothering me like I pulled or injured something.   It's in the middle of my back vs the lower back.

I find myself having to do some major stretching before and after bed.   It's the only thing that seems to reduce the pain.   Wonder what I did.

Well, if you're interested in the recipe I used for my cake (I'll take a picture and post here later today)
Again this is what I chose to make. Modify appropriately for taste

1 box devil's food cake mix
12 oz of Cherry Coke Zero
1 tsp of cherry extract

Mix and bake according to the instructions  (or how long YOUR oven works.  I always have to reduce time by 10 mins).

After the cake is completely cool

1 8oz tub of fat free cool whip
3 oz of fat free, sugar free chocolate fudge instant pudding
1 Cup of fat free milk.

Fold the dry pudding into the cool whip. Add 1/2 the milk to start.  Keep mixing and adding the rest of the milk until you either have used all the milk or reach a desired consistency.

Frost your cake.


Thursday, December 18, 2014

SO mad at myself

I started writing this out in a text document. It's easier for me to type it up and transfer here.
What do I do with all that I wrote?  Left it at work.


So, in order to have something to post, we're doing this all again.

Sorry it's been crazy.  December is a hectic month that is for sure. My dogs aren't helping. Athena's had some issues so we've had to take her in 3 times (well twice, the 3rd she was being boarded but still needed to be looked at).  This final time was due to her eating some tinsel garland.  Sweetest freaking dog in the world, most sensitive and dumbest.  Love her though.

We go to Tenn in December.  I've done it for 7 years now and Rich has done it 3 now. This year we went a year later than we have in the past. We really have had a lot going on.

When I went down in October, we went to Chattanooga.  While there I just knew Rich would want to go there. Add in my friend living in the area, we just had to go.  So after some finagling we worked in an additional day to stay and made a trip over to Chattanooga.

It was fantastic. We went to Ruby Falls and Rock City Gardens.  Rich loves his caves and caverns and all things underground. This was heaven to him.  I enjoyed it very much.  We had a blast and I easily hit my 10K steps by 1PM.

Afterwards, we spent time in the downtown area with Cheri & her son.   We walked around until it was time to meet up with the Man.   Then we went to GA (same area) and went to a local southern BBQ joint. 

FANTASTIC time. The whole weekend was great. It's always wonderful seeing the Fam.   Throw in fun and my friend, just wonderful.

Now, instead of posting the pictures here, they're up somewhere else for you to peruse. Link will be posted at the bottom.

Now aside from our Touristy day, I did walk the dog both days. I didn't do my normal walk, but I did get out.  The ride sucked.  I hate being cramped. My body hurts enough as it is (yes I still hurt). Sitting in the car 10 hrs during the drive, just blows.

We're looking into more activities next summer. We like to stay active while having fun.  

So this marked the 3rd cave exploration.   Much different than the ones up here but still exciting.   We were more physically active at Rock City.  

So if you're ever in the Chattanooga area and want to explore AND get your exercise in, ROCK CITY!!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

give me a day

Hey. I've been away and got back this evening.

I do have stuff to post about, but am not ready to do so now --exhaustion. Pics not ready....

I'll try and get one up tomorrow.


Sunday, December 7, 2014


I know it's been awhile. 
I've been sick.  I tend to be hit with chronic bronchitis. I don't know if I mentioned that in any of my earlier posts, but this is my second bought since April.    I just finished my antibiotics and this time I'm not sure if they worked.   I feel like crap and I sound worse.   I'm giving it a few days and then I'll head back.

On top of that I've been crazy busy.  I've had a few appointments after work and have come home late and all that.   Thanksgiving was in there some where. 

I'm just overwhelmed and exhausted all the time. 
Athena's been to the vet twice the past few weeks....When will it end?

I did see Gretchen in there.   We're not terribly worried about my setback right now.  A big portion of the issue is my exercising & movement.

It's gotten worse, the pain. My knee hurts.   My body aches. I'm exhausted a lot of the time.  It's almost like when I first got sick 5 years ago.

With the weather. My aches....I've not met any of my physical goals.   
I decided, after doing it with my neighbor, I wanted to get Just Dance for the Wii.  

OF COURSE, when I went to start up my Wii yesterday (first time since the flood), it's DEAD. DEAD as a doornail.   UGH. We think (I think at least) it got fried when the basement flooded.   The transformer box sits on the floor and that's probably when it happened.   I'm soooooo pissed. I'm finally trying to move forward and this happens.

Anyone know of any dance games for the PS3?

Next week --not tomorrow--Monday we're going to Ruby Falls and I'll get some good activity in then.  Caves and all that.

So to summarize, I feel like SHIT. 

I'm still trying though.....=

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Goodbyes, Changes, Goals, and all that.

Winter seems to have arrived even though we're a little over a month away from the official date.   While we didn't get much snow here where I live, I did have to encounter it within the city of Cleveland. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck.

Another thing I've learned, my knee does not agree with winter.  Last year at this time I was dealing with knee issues and it appears that is the case again. It's constantly throbbing and cracking and just hurting.  I hate winter.

Monday afternoon Rich and I took Sheba for her final car ride. It was horrible.  Awful. Depressing.  Two in one year. We lost Galen in January and now Sheba.  I loved those dogs with all I had.  I posted some feelings on my other blog earlier this week and one of the things I wondered, do people without human children take it harder than those who do when they lose a pet?   I'm not diminishing what they feel, I'm just wondering about those who put all their love and affection into their fur babies if they feel it harder?  

I miss my original babies. The "Old Guard" as Rich has taken to calling it.  I wish I could go back in time to hug them.     Duchess has looked for Sheba.  It's sad.     I was doing relatively well until a flower delivery came today. The vet we have taken all our kiddies to since moving out this way sent condolence flowers.  It touched me so deeply.   I cried. Rich was touched. It really meant a lot.  They (the vet clinic) is really a wonderful place. They've loved my dogs and their reactions as we've lost them one by one has shown.  I like that in spite of the number of clients they have, they still took time out to do that.

So, this week has been hard.  I'll admit it. It didn't help that there is no longer a schedule in my life. Things have been so hectic and crazy at home and at work.  Throw in some mourning. Throw in some weather and throw in a lot of I don't give a crap....this week sucked.

I've also had a lot of time to think in spite of my busyness.  How do I regain my focus?
Since coming off of PSMF one thing after another:  My medication changes. My physical issues. My trip.  My car. My Sheba.    Then there's the self sabotage..... I need to reign this in. I need to find my focus. I'm not about to lose ALL the hard work that I did.  

I realized I haven't set any goals for myself.  What's the point of doing all this if I don't have anything set in "stone" to direct where I'm going to.   I've thought about it and want to challenge myself.   SO...
without further ado, my goals.

Walking/Steps:  I'm changing my daily goal on Fit Bit. I'm going to adjust it from 10K to 12K/day.   I was originally thinking of 15K, but realistically I don't know if I can pull it off EVERY day.  So, my goal is 12K/day.     I'm also going to do more challenges on Fit Bit because those really motivate me. If you do Fit Bit and we're not friends yet, FIND ME. Elbee96 or follow the link on right of my main page.

Pop:  I was drinking too much of it again.  I've cut back but I would like to go back to eliminating it completely.     

Bike/Hula hoop.  I've not touched either in 5 weeks. I'm going to start doing one or both at least 4x a week.

Exercise: We did some exercises when I was in the biggest loser. They're EASY to do at home (Easy as in I just need space to move and some time). They're killer on the abs and legs. I am going to start doing these at home for approximately 20mins starting at 3x a week.

Walking: I've not walked much during my breaks at work (I've truly been busy, but have no reason to skip my 15 min breaks).  I am going to take my 2 breaks and I am going to walk during them.  While on site at work: every day.  Telework days: As long as there is no ice or slippery snow on the sidewalks, I'm going to walk during them. If I need to, I will pay $7 to go to the indoor track across the street.

Weight. I am going to lose 20lbs (all that I gained) in one month.  On Dec 15, I am going to be down 20 lbs.  

Diet: I'm going to make sure I log EVERYTHING.  NO MATTER WHAT. I got lazy and I am going to stop it.   Log and sticking to my calorie goal!!

So, there you have it. My goals for the next 30 days.      

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Alright, Yes I know. I haven't been actively blogging. Soo many excuses....reasons. Some legitimate: I won't blog using a mobile device.   Some not so legitimate: I'm busy?  IE: Lazy

You can also probably ready between the lines as well. I've been HORRIBLE.

So many arguments and reasons: I legitimately have had some physical issues I've been dealing with due to diet/med/weather changes.  I'm in pain daily. While it's nothing like it once was, it's still there.

I sit here typing feeling pain in my shoulders, back, hands, feet.......motivation is hard to come by, but I am fighting.

I have not stepped on a scale. I'm petrified to do so.  I must not be too bad because last week I heard from...I lost count, but I did hear from many different people who complimented me on how good I looked.  Wondering how much more weight I have lost.   I was honest and said I gained, but they all said the same thing: You look good.

So I am going to take that to heart.  
My choices have sucked lately.  They have. I know that . I know it as I'm making them.   I am still fighting the fight.  

Stick with me......

On a sad note that will effect me emotionally, we're saying goodbye to our oldest pup in the next two days.   We've come to the decision that she has no life.  She's mostly blind, mostly deaf, can barely move, and all other senior dog issues, including dementia.  

She's been the hardest to deal with as she's been so stubborn. Her will is there but the body has failed her.   So I am going to have to dig in and be good through this.  

Don't give up on me, I'm here working to get back on track.......

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Bernie SHuffle

How's it going?   Decent here.   Busy weekend of sorts.

I did my 5k. It was definitely an experience.

First off, let's talk about the weather. This is what it was supposed to be.  In actuality, there were 33 mile an hour winds, rain and it was freaking cold.   The race started at 8AM and was held downtown along the lake front.    BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.

At the beginning of the race there was a "hold up" that I walked past. Mr Kosar himself was there and people stopped to surround him.

I kept trotting along. Getting pelted with rain in my multiple layers, coat, gloves, hat and scarf.

I had my MapMyFitness going and my Walk playlist blasting away.

While I did not do as well as I did on the FoxTrot. Between the wind and rain, I did decent enough.

I was averaging 17+min/mile. 

Not once did I think of quitting as I froze my toes off (shoes were soaked).

I crossed the finish line and went to look for my friends.

Bernie was there if you wante dto meet him and take a pic. My choice was stand in line to meet him or get in the dry warm car.   Guess what won out???
Getting dressed
Let's rock this 5K
We're cold. We're wet. We're tired. but we finished!

here are my stats:
START8:06 a.m.
START564 ft
MAX713 ft
GAIN207 ft
AVG17:45 min/mi
MAX07:45 min/mi
Map data ©2014 Google
500 m 
0.1 mi
0.5 mi
1 mi
5 mi
10 mi
1.0 mi18:32 min/mi00:18:32
2.0 mi17:35 min/mi00:17:22
3.0 mi17:03 min/mi00:17:01
3.2 mi18:06 min/mi00:04:19
Go Fullscreen
00:00:0000:08:2000:16:4000:25:0000:33:2000:41:4000:50:00492 ft574 ft656 ft738 ft0 min/mi00:00 min/mi13:24 min/mi06:42 min/mi
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    19.7 ft
    + 0:50

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TypeTimeBest Time+/- DifferenceDistNameElevOwner
Category 5 Climb6:305:58+ 0:320.5 miCourse along Lakeside Ave East near Voinovich Park68.9 ftMapMyFitness C.'s' avatar MapMyFitness C.
Category 5 Climb4:440:00+ 0:000.4 miEast 13th St to East 9th St course near Clinton Park (historical)55.8 ftMapMyFitness C.'s' avatar MapMyFitness C.
Category 5 Climb7:056:24+ 0:410.4 miCourse along Saint Clair Ave Northeast near Willard Park62.3 ftMapMyFitness C.'s' avatar MapMyFitness C.
Category 5 Climb2:520:00+ 0:000.4 miEast 12th St to East 9th St course near Willard Park36.1 ftMapMyFitness C.'s' avatar MapMyFitness C.
Category 5 Climb6:085:29+ 0:390.4 miCourse along Saint Clair Ave Northeast near Willard Park62.3 ftMapMyFitness C.'s' avatar MapMyFitness C.