Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A little behind

I had every intention of logging on and posting my update on Sunday.

However no matter my intentions, the reality is I am once again down with bronchitis.  The past four years I've been hit with severe cases of bronchitis that knock me on my behind.  I've been in and out of bed for the past 4 days.

No energy or desire to do anything.

I did weigh myself this morning.  I'm back on the right track.  While I'm still on the + side of weight gained, I'm heading back to where I was.  I did update MyFitnessPal, so the number in the top right is correct.

I missed this week's weigh in for the Biggest Loser due to being ill.  I do meet with Gretchen on Friday, so I should have more then.

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