Friday, April 18, 2014

Oh Lordy


Let's get to business.   I mentioned my diet was going to be non-existent while I went away for my friend's wedding.  Yeah--totally non-existent.  

I weighed in for the Biggest Loser the day before I left and weighed in again when I returned.   NOT GOOD.
However, I can not be too mad. I had an absolute wonderful time while I was gone and I guess it was worth it.

I met with my Dr and am going to be working with her and my dietician on a special diet.  I'm hoping to get focused and use this as a kick start to keep me on track. When I meet with Gretchen (dietician) next week, we'll go over the finer points and see from there.

In the meantime, I've been good eating wise the past few days. I've stuck within my calorie goal by 200- which is really good.   The scale is slowly going back down so if I can keep this up, we'll be good.

I haven't been walking as first I was recovering from my weekend, second-it snowed again and third-I'm sick.   Yuck Yuck Yuck.  I hate being sick. 

I'm really trying to keep focused on eating right again and getting back into the zone.  

It's getting nicer out so my excuses are dwindling.  The plan is, depending on how I feel tomorrow, to head to the park for a walk with the dogs.  

I was looking at the pictures from the wedding. While I am not happy that I'm still on the big side, I'm very happy that my face isn't so wide anymore. I can definitely see the narrowing in the face so that makes me a bit happy.

Need to stay focused!

I'm hopefully going to log in with the weight again.  And I'll update it to the current weight, so there will  be a + /gain .....

Need to keep myself accountable.

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