Sunday, April 27, 2014

Tough times call for tough measures.

When all of this started, my goal was to lose weight so I could be healthy enough to do normal things.   Things like walk more than 5mins without excruciating pain, walking my dogs around the neighborhood.   I never truly wanted surgery.   I just wanted to be normal again.

When I originally lost the 50lbs, I was amazed that I could do it.  I put off surgery.   I wanted to do this by myself.  

However between the weather, health issues, and the holidays, all focus was lost.   I'm truly trying to get back on track.   I'm trying to keep with aqua zumba, walking, getting back on the diet , just to name a few things.  However, as those of you who have tried to lose weight know, it is NOT easy.  NO matter what, changing your lifestyle is very difficult.

I was offered an alternative awhile ago and tried to keep this option off the table as long as possible.

Now five months of NO additional weight loss with a slight weight gain, I've come to the reality that I need assistance.  

Last week, my doctor signed off on something Gretchen and I have spoke about.  As soon as I get the required RX (which should be tomorrow), I will begin my next journey. Protein-Sparing Modified Fast Diet.   PSMF for short.

What is the PSMF?   In simplified terms, it's an Atkins like doctor monitored diet.  It isn't a lifestyle change like I was going for, it is a TRUE diet.   It's only a temporary thing and it's to help kick my weight loss into gear.

Like Atkins, I will remove carbs, go into ketosis, and focus on protein.
Unlike Atkins though, I have limits to the amount of things I intake.  There is a focus on protein and how much I can have a day. I also am required to be on supplements AND be monitored by a physician and dietician.  I have required blood work I need to have every so often.  

I am forbidden from starting it (as I have outlined) until I receive my potassium RX.   I will write more when I begin and as I'm on it, but for the mean time, that's all I can tell you.   It's very difficult to describe until I begin following it.  Additionally, calorie-wise I may only be taking in up to 1200 maximum a day. 

I should hopefully not be on it for more than 6 months. Another thing about this diet is if I decide to give it up, I can't just "give it up". One of the phases is a reintroduction of carbs the correct way.

Doing this wasn't a spur of the moment decision. This has been an option to me since October AND I spoke to Gretchen about it last month.  It just took this long to get the ducks in a row.  You can't just go on it. It requires prep and tests and a doctor to sign off on it. 

I welcome questions, but I will not be swayed at this point.  I have a problem and I need help. All these roadblocks (getting injured or sick) do not help.  I need tough love and this is it.

Once we're well again (we both are suffering/recovering from bronchitis and trying to get over this), we will walk the dogs.   Duchess and Athena are a bunch of energy and will make walking more enjoyable.

I believe I'll officially start on Tuesday as I won't be able to get my RX until tomorrow after work.   I'll check in later this week as I'm beginning.

Have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck sweetie! I know u can do it! I just started a juice fast reboot.
