Sunday, October 12, 2014


Brrrrrr. It's a bit chilly here. Fall is definitely upon us.

I have a few items I need to address today, so let's get started.
There is no weigh in today because, I don't want to.
There HAS been a weight gain which I will adjust the total after I finish this.
I'm not feeling guilty about any of it.
I have addressed all this with my doctor and dietitian and they're not disappointed either.
I'm content about it all.

As I mentioned earlier in a post, I've been on vacation. This vacation included celebrating my anniversary with my husband and a few other things.  I didn't think about diets or anything of that kind while it was happening.  I enjoyed myself.  

While I didn't get to walk much during this time, I was active.  Our getaway had an indoor pool and sauna. I made sure they were both used and had a relaxing time doing so.  Seriously, if anyone is near Toledo Ohio, look into staying at the Belamere Suites in Perrysburg. Get a Presidential Suite.

I met with my Dr on Thursday.  I have indeed gained weight, we're not concerned.  We had a long talk about my progress, the diet I was on & MY wishes.  

Friday I met with Gretchen and we had the same talk.    In the end, we all agree: I'm done with PSMF.  It was a great tool to help and it did.  However, long term on it is frustrating.  It IS very restrictive.  Variety is not really much of an option on it. Yes you can mix things up, but you can only mix it up so many times on this diet.  I'm bored. I'm done. I want to be "normal" again.

NORMAL.  What is that in relation to me?  I've put A LOT of thought into this over the past month.  If I had stayed hard and true to PSMF, I could be down another 20 lbs.  Want to know what else? I'd be miserable. 

Losing weight & being miserable? huh?  I like being in control, making choices, & being behind the direction of my life.   PSMF controls me.  Yes I can still make choices but they're very limited. I was happy with that the first 4 months I was on it.  Not so much anymore.

If you long term readers/friends remember, in the beginning...back when my goal was to lose 24 pounds and I did 44 and then eventually 52......remember how that happened?  ME.  My choices. My being the driver.  I watched my calories. I walked those steps. I did it all by making choices of all the options.  

I want that back and my doctor and dietitian agree that it's time to go there again.

So, I'll be back to watching what I eat and how many calories I intake.  I will be back to substituting and deciding "how worth it" IT really is.  

I'm back to being completely in charge of my life and weight loss and choices. 
I do still have some restrictions, but compared to PSMF, these are childs play.

I'm on a 1700 calorie daily limit.   I have 'limits' to how many servings I can have of some things. These limits will increase each week, but grains, dairy, and fruit are now options for me. 
I'm actually pretty excited about it.   Planning menu's to accommodate the changes and all that.

Don't be disappointed that I gained weight.  I'm not.  I'm looking at it as an opportunity to lose it all and not feel like I'm cheating by using PSMF.  I'm still working with my dietitian and doctors, so I have my safety net if I get out of control.

I'll just be that more "awesome" [ ;P ]   when I lose it all.

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