Sunday, October 19, 2014

New Fitbit Mobile feature

This week I discovered a new feature added to the mobile versions of Fitbit-Challenges.

This new little feature takes the ranking feature a bit further.   Right now there are 3 types of Challenges:
*Weekend Warrior
*Daily Showdown
*Workweek Hustle.

You choose the one you want to start and you may invite up to 10 of your friends (If you do not have 10, those invited can invite someone in).  Everyone accepts and once the time period for the challenge begins (example-Weekend Warrior starts at midnight Saturday morning) Fitbit begins tracking your steps during this time period and ranks you.

However, it takes the ranking one fun step further.  There is a "transcript" of the challenge. 
Here is a screen shot of the current challenge I'm in.


Weekend Warrior Challenge Transcript

It even included the rankings of those involved in the challenge
I think it's a fun new feature to get people motivated to get moving. I know it did for me. It brings some fun to your days and maybe with the right group, you can think up prizes?

If you haven't gotten a Fitbit yet, here is yet another reason to get one. Join in our fun!!  

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