Friday, October 31, 2014

gulp.....yeah I'm still here.

Hey. I'm still here.  I know it seems like I bailed.  Maybe I did ....I don't know.

The past few....weeks? have been a blur.    I know I mentioned my meds.  I'm 'evening' out now. I feel more like myself than I did.  Additionally, I'm off another med as well. 

I don't know if it's been the lower med dosage or the weather, but I've been in pain.  Aches in the joints and then the knees have been really achy.

I also went to Tenn to visit the folks.  I did walk while I was there.  I tried to keep busy and eat "sensibly" I didn't gain any weight while there. Since coming home? I don't know.

I injured myself Monday after returning. All I know is when I got out of the car at home my back hurt like a SOB.  Somehow when I picked up my luggage and got in and out of the car, I pulled a muscle in my back.  
It hurt so bad that when I put my chin to my body, I felt it at my left hip.   Throw in a knee that seems to be swollen today, I'd say I'm knocking it out of the park. I ended up only working a few hours on Tuesday before coming home to sleep. I just did not feel well.

My trip to Tenn was really good. I got to visit someone I hadn't seen in ages and we had a nice meet up.  Got to see a  bit of Chattanooga.  Rich & I would like to go back in Dec to explore some more. Fingers crossed that we can do it.

Tomorrow I'm doing another 5K. My 3rd, the Bernie Shuffle. I'm doing it with my friends & neighbors.  Sarah & Jessica, who I did the Foxtrot with, along with newlyweds, Megan & Chris, and I will all be heading downtown to freeze our buttocks off.

With the knees acting up, I'll be happy if I can get in under 20 min.  Fingers crossed!!!

I'm planning menus and such to help with getting my eating back on track.  I've been working on a few things and bought some other things to help ease me back into 'normal' healthy eating. 

I'm trying to avoid having to go back on the meds, particularly the Cymbalta.  If the aching doesn't go away we'll have to re-evaluate it all. 

I'll be sure to post my results and any pictures I may take tomorrow.  I'll just be a big blob of layers tomorrow :)

Sorry if I kept you waiting and I'm sorry if I let anyone down w/my blasé attitude.  I will get back on track and I will lose what I just gained and I will be focused again!

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