Thursday, October 9, 2014

I'm Still Here.....

Hey. You still out there?

So, I'm still here, but I've been MIA on the blog front.

Rich & I recently celebrated our 18th anniversary this past weekend. In addition, we went away earlier this week.  I made a very conscious decision to forgo the diet.  So, I did gain weight.
I'm not upset about this nor am I worried. I knew this would happen and I had such a wonderful time, I'm not dwelling on it.

I saw my primary doc today and we discussed all this. Tomorrow I see Gretchen and while I've gained since I saw here, I'm not going to cry about it.

So, I'm taking a pause on the dieting subject. I'm going to tell you about my trip.

So, on Saturday for our actual anniversary we went to eat and the movies.
Sunday--don't remember. Monday I worked from home (which I also did on Friday).
Tues, we started off at Hollywood Casino. Rich played roulette, doubled the money he was given.  We had lunch & continued on to the Belamere Suites.

We made reservations for a Royal Suite. This includes an attached garage, personal swimming pool (indoors), sauna, Jacuzzi, fireplace, 2 giant tvs, stereo & dvd player.  Also breakfast delivered each morning. We upgraded with a Spa package and had a couple's massage.

It was fantastic.   2 wonderful relaxing days & nights.   If you're looking for a romantic get away and not too far from Toledo,Ohio-I suggest you go.

We're home now. The dogs have been rescued and a few more days of relaxing.  I go to Gretchen tomorrow so I'll fill you in on the specifics later on........

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