Saturday, October 18, 2014


  Hey.   Yep, a Saturday post.
I was sitting here trying to waste time before I had to leave and then realized I could be doing this.

I don't know if I mentioned in an earlier post, but I've had the dosage on one of my meds lowered.  Throw in my transitioning diet, I've had some issues.

I'm gaining some weight, right now nothing to be freaked out about YET.  That's not the issue though. My issue is the effects I'm having because of the meds.  

I'm on Cymbalta and have been on Cymbalta for a few years.  I'm on it for two reasons. First, it helps immensely with the fibromyalgia symptoms.   Secondly, depression. Between the depression from the severe weight gain of old and just my history of it, we felt it was a good thing to go back on Cymbalta.  During that time period, my dosage was raised because I was having dual issues of pain and mood swings.

The higher dosage helped IMMENSLEY.  I know some individuals that have issues being on the medication, but it really has helped me.

One thing my Dr and I discussed awhile ago was coming down the dosage.  We waited and finally made the decision last week.

Now what a lot of you may not know is while the med can be extremely helpful to many, the side effects for withdrawal are quite BRUTAL.

I've withdrawn from the med once before, so I am speaking from experience.  

I wasn't sure if I would have any issues dropping from 90 to 60mgs.   While I have it much easier than those weaning off completely, it isn't without issue.

Just some of the side effects of Cymbalta withdrawal:

  • Brain “Zaps” (electric shock-like senstations in the brain)
  • Dizziness, light-headedness, vertigo, feeling faint
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety, irritability, hostility
  • Nausea, diarrhea, digestive upset
  • Tremor, hands shaking, nerve tingles, strange sensations
  • Fatigue, tiredness, lack of energy
  • Visual disturbances
While I'm not completely withdrawing from the drug, I am still having 'mild' issues.
Headaches. I've had them pretty bad for the past week.  I'm taking headache pills once a day.
I have had some brain fog.  I'm not as clear headed as I'd like to be but I'm not horrible.  Would you believe I actually FORGOT about my BMI doctor appointment yesterday?  It's written everywhere, yet it completely slipped my mind.  
My stomach is ....who knows. I'm not hungry. I'm starving. I'm nauseous.  I have had some irritability and anxiety. Really mild, but I do not feel as in control of myself as I tend to feel. It's a very weird thing for me.  
I have had some fatigue/lack of energy. I'm trying to push myself but it's a struggle the past few days.  
Not sure if it's related, but I've had very wild/vivid dreams.  None of the "gory" ones they warn you about, but still weird dreams.
Pain.  I've had a mild vague pain all over. Similar to my flair ups while on Cymbalta.   The weather has changed, so that could be related, but with everything in "flux" I don't know what is associated to what.
I am struggling with the eating and working out balancing. Maybe doing this all so close together wasn't a great idea, but I'm going to keep on trying.  I'm expecting road blocks and the weight gain, but I have a wonderful support system to keep me on track.
I'd also like to take a moment to thank 2 people.  I don't always notify everyone when I post. The last posts were only posted on MFP and not FB, so not everyone read these.
Thank you to Ali & Beth.  They both made some comments on my decision to remove myself from PSMF and possible weight gain.  I appreciate your comments and support.    They really came at a good time for me.
Really thank you to you all.  There really are so many of you and I appreciate it.  It's been a hard road and it's still hard.  I hope I can keep making you all proud.
Thank you ....(I'm sorry if I skipped you......forgive me)
Sarah, Lissette, Karen, Erin, Mom, Dad, Ali, Katey, Beth, Jenny, Margery, Marcy, Rich, and all those whose names are alluding me right now.........

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