Monday, March 9, 2015

Is it spring yet?

I had a reminder on my calendar to blog. Of course I'm not feeling too hot now. Massive headache and exhaustion. I just ate am hour ago, so I don't want to go to sleep immediately. I'm going to try to blog.  Forgive all errors. ..

So my knee. As you know I've complained about it often. I was beginning to wonder if it was the weather or my weight. I now have an answer.  Weather.
Last week I went to Tennessee to work.  The whole first day there it was 20+degrees warmer and raining.  My knee throbbed like you wouldn't believe.  It was obvious the weather change got to me.

The rest of the week however,  nothing. No pains.  I tried to walm during my breaks and when I got off work, no pain.

So I'm relieved is not weight related.  However,  with all my being careful wouldn't you know I hurt it in the most idiotic way!  Standing there on an uneven patch at the dog park. 

Proof that I got out of hand and gained weight?  Back pain has returned. 

Good news that I'm getting serious about getting on track again. ..1- starved to death, err I mean stuck to my diet. Logged it all
2 - gasp!  Joined a gym.  My health insurance has a pretty good plan for gym membership.  3- while I didn't make 12k steps today,  I did use the treadmill until it hurt too much. 

My wonderful neighbor cam be thanked for getting me there and looking into signing up.

Now that money is going into this,  I have to go!

I would have blogged sooner, but every time I remember to I'm in bed and about to pass out from exhaustion.  Like now I guess.

I need to find a measuring tape. I want to get measurements this time around.

By the way, this has been blogged with using my tabletand stylus. ...Forgive all errors. ...

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