Sunday, March 29, 2015


I had a very weird/eye opening experience today.

I got on the scale today and only lost .4 lbs.  SOooooo frustrated. 

Then I realized it's been 4 weeks since I measured my waist and hips. In case I forgot to share, I decided to monitor that every 4 weeks. I didn't do it last time.

SO, I measure my waist & hips.   I measured them twice.   I measured them a third time.   I'm down an inch.    Holy smokes.  I can't believe it. I'm too cautious to believe it.   But I measured everything twice the first time I did that to make sure I had the right numbers.  

Soooo, yeah. I'm losing something.  

I've been mostly good.  I did drink some pop this weekend, but really that's it.  I'm eating less junk food and calories. I go to the gym about 3 times a week.  This past week I even went to a concert where I worked up a sweat dancing up a storm.

I work out at home a any progress I guess is good.     So there you have it. Scale barely moved,  but the measuring tape did.!

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