Thursday, August 18, 2016

11 Days In......Round 2

I find it interesting that when I had no motivation, I also had nothing to post about.    Now that I have motivation and results, I had so many topics I want to cover.  

I guess I must first forewarn all squeamish males about this next subject.
So yesterday I'm at work and I have this headache.   I haven't had a headache in a month and a half.  It was baffling me since I have been feeling so well and something like this comes a long.  

Well at some point I went to the restroom as I tend to do when I drink bottles and bottles of water. I had a guest (unwanted?) that showed up out of the blue.    I haven't had any inkling of a period in years. Since my last weight loss attempt (some earlier post on this blog).   Back then it was one or two days of spotting (it was light) and  after I had a month or two of very light spotting.   Then it all went away.

Well my doctor did warn me.  It's a full on cramping and all.  I've forgotten how horrible this is.  Yes, my body is getting better, but I could have done without!   I'm such a baby.   A few years off and I can't handle cramping.   This is looking like a 3-4 day-er.    

I also know why I felt ...unhappy with how I looked the other day.   It was one of those days where I looked in the mirror and was like.  "Sooo much work....I'll never get thin".     Hormones are a bitch!

Now, I think I mentioned I haven't put this I don't want to say attempt because I am going to be successful this time.....So I've put this journey is too overused of a word.   ..... Let's say my decision to live a healthier lifestyle hasn't been as "advertised" as it was in the past.   Last time after I made about a 30 lb weight loss, I began telling people and posting to my FB wall every time I updated.

This time those in my fitness groups (I belong to 3), my close friends, my Mom, and the few who have noticed are the only ones that know what I've been doing.    I've also been careful to limit the photos I have shared to my face.   Part of the reason, my parents are coming tomorrow for a visit (and attending a wedding) and while they "know" the numbers and specifics they haven't seen the results.
I want their reactions.
Although yesterday I wore a cute outfit to work and took a picture. I sent it to 4 people as a "sneak peak" and the reactions were awesome.   It definitely helped me feel better.

I mean, I KNOW there is progress.  I see it on me.  I see in on my clothes (My pants literally slid off my butt the other day).   I can FEEL it.  I have minor aches and pains associated with working out.  I have the knee pain that will never go away.  But I am more limber and flexible. I have more energy and stamina.   I'm most excited about being more limber and flexible.  
Getting up off the floor or getting up off the couch is a different experience than it was 2 months ago.  I nearly bounce up and barely struggle.

I see it in my workout. There was a workout I was doing the other day on the legs.  It dawned on me the first time I did that workout, I could barely lift my leg.   Now I'm lifting it up a few inches.   Amazed me.

so my perseverance is paying off.   In some ways things are easier......but other times I'm like "I JUST WANT A BREAK!!"......

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