Thursday, August 25, 2016

Off the beaten path....


So it's been a very crazy week.  As I briefly mentioned in my last post, my father was admitted to the hospital during my parents visit.   I got a day and a half with him where he wasn't in the hospitalized before they headed home.
My wonderful brother-who in spite of some questionable past deeds (joke)-- should be nominated for sainthood.   He flew in this morning JUST to drive them back.    This visit is most likely the last visit home (HERE) for him.  UNLESS I CAN CONVINCE THEM TO MOVE HERE!!!

So I'm going to take a few to talk about non-diet/weight loss things.

Do you know it SUCKS to see your parents age?   It really does.   Now, I have cool parents -which I didn't think so growing up- , but now that I'm older I think they're pretty cool.   The last 3 visits I had with them were either NOT PLANNED or didn't go as planned.   And most of it was sucky.

In June I drove down after my father was rushed to the hospital after being found on the floor.
In July, my Uncle passed and they came up for that.   This time was supposed to be fun-family and a wedding.    Instead my father was hospitalized and my parents worried on how they were going to get home-among other things.

I know it's a fact of life that they (parents) get older and eventually pass on.  I know it's an eventuality, but it doesn't mean I have to like it one bit.   It sucks even worse that they're so far away and were lured there by false promises and lies.  

I try to visit as much as I can, but even though I have leave I have to coordinate with other team members to make sure there is coverage.  I have flexibility to work down there every now and again, but I have to get special permission ahead of time to do so.  

Want to know a secret? I have a bunch of days saved up and I try not to drop below 10 days. I have done this the past few years since they moved away. I know there is going to be a day that I will have to burn them and it will be most likely Father related.   I hate having to do that--but it is what it is.

If you have parents that you're close to or still in contact with, make sure they know how you feel.  Make sure you tell them you love them. Appreciate your time with them.    I am trying to write this without bringing too much drama into a blog where it does not belong, but it is hard to be bitter and filled with such anger at people who allow pettiness to turn them into assholes towards their families.  I'm not talking about people with legitimate issues.... I'm talking about the adults who act like idiots and ignore their children or children who treat their parents like crap--for stupid childish reasons.

Pardon me for that.   It's one of those things I keep inside and never talk about but I had to get out.

So..moral of this story  Embrace your family. Make sure your parents know how much you love an appreciate everything they have done or do for you.   Parents who've for one reason or another abandoned your family--it's not too late to let them know you love them.

So--- as I started Dad was hospitalized and my eating choices have not been the best. I haven't lost all sense of reason or progress.  I just have had a few days over my normal eating.   I worked out all days except yesterday.

Yesterday...I'm getting sick again. Last year at this time (this weekend) I became ill and it was bad- chills, sweats, fever, chest congestion--the whole nine yards.  
I'm getting the congestion again. I started with a sever sore throat yesterday and it's led to a cough and a little congestion this morning and a lot more now.      It's going to suck.  I didn't eat well today.
In fact for dinner I had a summer corn chowder from Panera.  I needed the hot liquid in my chest.  I had a salad as well.    I know I need to work out today since I didn't yesterday.  And I will.

I'm a bit disappointed the final week of round 2 isn't going as planned.   I should be happy with the progress I have made--but I'm not.  

Oh. One last thing before I go. Tomorrow is my knee injection. I'll have more details tomorrow.  I've spoken to 3 people who all tell me wonderful things about the gel injections. I'm being optimistic!!

And talk about blow me away.  I logged on today to write this and saw the other day I had the biggest readership since this began a few years ago.  SO THANK YOU to everyone who has read my words.


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