Friday, August 5, 2016



Happy Friday!
How are you all today? I'm just peachy here.  

This has been a pretty decent week.     So let's dive right into today's info.

On Tuesday I went to see the Orthopedic.   He took some Xrays and overall the knee isn't too messed up. I still have little cushioning in the left knee, so there is always going to be some pain, but I did not do any damage with my fall. He says it's the equivalent of stirring up a hornet's nest. Meaning I aggravated the arthritis.

I was given another cortisone shot as well as having some fluid removed.   He and I also discussed the gel shot and I gave my approval to contact my insurance for approval.   Which I got as of yesterday!!

I know 2 people who have gotten the shot and they both have wonderful things to say about it. In the words of my friend Cheryl, "It's the bomb diggity".  So I am very hopeful and can't wait to get it.  However wait I must.  I won't get the "injection" until the 26th!

So in the meantime I am working off the cortisone shot which has taken away swelling and numbed the pain some what.  
The day I received the shot (and the day after) i could barely move my knee (2 needles were stuck in there!!!!)  I was going to hold off on working out because that day was Cardio, but I just decided to move some workouts around and focused on abs & upper body!
Yesterday was lower body since it's not too hard on the knee.

And yesterday was a follow up with my primary doc. She was extremely pleased to see my progress.  She even joked about my 'biceps of steel'--since I've never had obvious biceps.   She said she could tell in the way I carried myself that good changes were happening.

I told her that overall I'm feeling really good. I have more energy, more flexibility, much less pain related to the Fibro, and just overall goodness.    She's happy for me and is rooting for me.
She says that the way I'm doing it (losing weight) is how someone my age (middle aged women...gah I hate saying that) should be losing weight.   Diet alone will no longer do it.  

So my current status quo is Doc approved.

I've been out of shakes since yesterday, so this is day 2 without one.   Feels weird.    I'm getting by though, so it isn't the end of the world.

So there you have my past week.  Nothing major planned this weekend, just work around the house. Probably take the kiddoes to the park or something.   Or......hmmmm maybe we'll walk them????

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