Sunday, August 21, 2016

Starting Week 3. Time flies

Evening all.
This weekend has been hectic.  

My parents who came up for the wedding I've mentioned a few times.  Unfortunately, my father did not get to attend. He was  admitted to the hospital yesterday morning.   So there's that we've had to deal with.    At least it's near me this time so I can take care of Mom and have them close.

The wedding.  I wore that dress  I bought over a month ago.  It was comfy, but did not fit as it originally was intended.  It sort of hung on me, hiding everything-Fat, curves, muscle...
It was a cute dress and I still had a good time regardless of the fit of the dress.

My Mom said it was noticeable-the weight loss.    That is good.  

Sigh.   So the day of the wedding-yesterday- I worked out first thing in the morning : 6:30AM.  I ate very light and had my shake.   I knew the wedding was going to be tough.  It was.  I did enjoy the cookies and the cake, so I know my caloric intake was BAD.

I tried to eat well today.  However between a hospital visit, a long trip in the car to visit my Uncle's grave and just the overall craziness, I went over.   I did do my Yoga all the way through.

I'm a bit disappointed that I couldn't have done better, but it's over and done with. Tomorrow's a new day and I'm back on track.

BTW.  If you're on MFP, I leave my food log open to be viewed. I want transparency.   If I log in at 500 calories less than my daily total, I want my food choices to be able to be viewed.   Just one more way to be accountable for my actions and choices.

Here's a pic I posted to FB.   It's the first real documented change since starting the plan....

Not much else to say.      We're going to rock this week 3.

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