Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Decisions. Decisions.

One thing I do not have an issue with this week is lack of topics.   Currently I have three items I want to talk about but I'm trying to keep this to one subject.   

Hmmmm, Ok. I am going to go with this one....

I'd like to think I'm not normally a vain person, but this has been bugging me lately.

The number of people "in the know" isn't that large on the whole.  Those at work that I talk to on a daily basis are aware of my journey and blog.  They're some of my cheerleaders.  Outside of work, my immediate family, my friends/neighbors, & a few others know of my bariatric option and/or the blog.

Almost every single one of them that have seen me or see me on a regular basis comment on how it's noticeable (my weight loss) and how good I've been looking. 

In fact I had 3 comments yesterday and today mentioning how I look happier, healthier or how I carry myself differently (more pep in my step).     I also had two texts from my dear friends who sent me lovely and encouraging messages on my struggle.   To those who know, it's 'obvious'.  

Minus one, how come no one else has noticed.  OR noticed and have not said anything?  

It would be nice to hear from someone not aware of my current weight loss. Just a little something?

I know it has to be obvious if I have to retire a bunch of clothing due to the fact that they are the equivalent of a sack right now.

So, I'm asking you all --if you see someone who looks happier or healthier, say something.   Sometimes that little thing will go a long way.   
I'm not asking to be the center of attention, just a "Hey Laurie! Did you lose some weight?" or "You're looking good".  Sadly I heard these comments more when I WASN'T losing.

You never know when you're going to make someone's day--even if they aren't losing or whatever.... 

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