Wednesday, November 13, 2013

No interesting title here

Hello again. 

Well, today I met with the Dietitian.  In two and a half weeks, I lost 7 more lbs.  
Go me, right?  

One of the things we discussed was the difficulties I have been having the past week and a half. Lately, I've been starving. Really really starving.  I've had difficulties staying under my calorie goal.  While I'm still in the weight loss range, I've had a few days over.  I"m not too proud of that but she told me not to worry about it.

We did review my food diary of MyFitnessPal and modified my daily goals (protein, carbs, and fat). We dropped my calorie intake as well.  I was given a few handouts and pointers to keep me on track and reduce the hunger.

We shall see how it works.   She's still extremely happy with my progress.   We did talk about that if I wanted to lose all the weight, it is a 2 year process.   On the surface, that is almost enough to make me say HECK with this and have surgery.

I was looking at some of the before and after pics posted on the bariatric group people have posted.  While they look FABULOUS, I see the excessive skin.   I know I'll have some, but mine will not be anywhere as bad as these people.   

My being vain will hopefully keep me on track.

Again, thank you for the words of encouragement.  They really mean a lot to me.  This is a hard process and all the support helps.


  1. Can you share some of the "reducing hunger" tips from the dietitian. Some days I want to chew my arm off (this week - PMS)... it would be helpful to hear what she says.
    I haven't lost anymore "weight" on the scale, but I think I am still re-shaping with the low carbs. I am still off everything white.

    Keep it up Elbee... you can do this!!! I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!!

    1. Thanks. I'll do my next post on this subject, OK?
