Monday, November 4, 2013

This past weekend...

Sorry, no weight loss update yet.   I might do it tomorrow morning, if I remember. 

Saturday was rainy but I did manage to get in a short walk with Duchess.   Additionally I was on and off the bike all day.

Sunday, while chilly, we did get to go on a scenic walk of Beaver Creek.  While we've been there before & I believe I've shared pictures, this time was so much more "pretty" thanks to the fall leaves.

Discovered more clothing that I can never wear out again.  I had this tank top that I purchased earlier this year to wear under a few things.   I went to wear it on Saturday & discovered it hung pretty low.  Sweet!   That is until I noticed it hangs so low, I can't wear it with a bra.   
It was transferred to my PJ drawer.   Another item bites the dust.

I also found a few articles that once were too tight but fit co comfortably now.   So while I am losing items, I am also gaining items.   


So that's all I have for now.   I'm sure I"ll have more later this week.

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