Sunday, November 17, 2013

November 17: Happy Sunday

Good Morning Folks.

No weigh in today. The scale is all over lately.   It isn't consistent. One minute it shows me down a few more pounds than I am. The next it doesn't move.  SO no real number to report. I'm hovering close to 50 lbs-depending on the time of day.

I didn't weigh myself for breakfast so anything I do now is off.   Check back in a few days.

First I would like to thank you all for taking the time to read and even comment on my blogs.  I DO read them as everyone is sent to me via email. I may not respond by the time I get online but I do read each one and appreciate it.

I REALLY want to thank you to those who have even gone out of their way to send me personal notes of encouragement. Each and every one mean the world.   

I started this blog as a way to get my jumbled thoughts out and maybe just maybe help one person.  If I've done that, then it's all worth it.   Another reason I keep this up is to have just one more person to be held accountable to.   I'm less likely to fail if I have to tell someone, "I gained".   

I was originally going to do a post on "tools" to help lose weight but a friend's comment on a post helped me decide today's post.

I have mentioned that I'm hungry a lot.  I eat about every two hours.   It seems I"m always hungry.  My lunch bag during the week is packed with a lot of items to keep me sated during the work day.

Now , I don't have huge meals every two hours. NO, I have small snacks.   One of the things I had discussed with my dietitian is just how hungry I am some days.   

The goal to keep feeling satisfied is high protein snacks.  Your body takes longer to process protein so it keeps you feeling full a bit longer.

Now in addition to the list she shared with me, I like to take these snacks with me.  
Sugar Free Jello Pudding
Sugar Free Jello
Low Fat String Cheese

This is a High-Protein Snack list from the Cleveland Clinic.

You may not like items in this list, but it can help spark a thought to trade out one item with something else you like. 

Protein shakes:  In the beginning when I was on the road to surgery, I drank many of these.  I've eased off and am exhausting my current supply.   I've taken to drinking a glass of milk with some Ovaltine.  Lower in calories and sugar and just as filling.

I hoped that help!    

Until next time.....

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