Friday, November 22, 2013


Hey. I know I mentioned I’d post earlier this week, but it has been crazy here.  I plan to write every evening but come 8 or 8:30 and forget it. I’m out for the count.

Today’s subject: Struggle.

Lately I am struggling a lot. Well, it’s not the end of the world but I still worry.
My adjusted daily calorie intake is 1900 calories.  That means I should be in-taking that many calories a day.

This is the adjusted total the dietitian and I came up with at my last appointment. I don’t know what it is because I was able to do 1900 calories easily in the past. As of late, I’m HUNGRY. Starving.  Eating through my snacks and lunch before lunchtime arrives. 
I’ve actually had a few days over the 1900. 

Now, the 1900 calories is an adjustment down from 2100 calories that I was doing.  So, I’m not TOO upset as I am still in the range I was doing prior. I just want to maintain the 1900. It actually will help with the weight loss coming off quicker. 

The GOOD note is if I wanted to lose 1.5lbs a week, I’m very ok.  I can in take 2,627 calories and still lose that much a week.   Number wise, I’m ok, even with my slip ups as of late.

But I don’t want to be OK, I want to be great.

But back to the hunger: I eat about every hour and a half to every 2 hours.  Most of that is snacking.   Like I said, lately it’s been very hard as I’m constantly hungry and the last week it’s been out of control.

The past two days I’ve mixed it up.  For my breakfast and snacks, I’m trying to make sure I’m taking in more protein.  The protein keeps you feeling less hungry longer.
So far the past two days have been successful.

I’ve taken to eating peanuts with my breakfast. The snacks  I’ve been eating are celery & peanut butter, grapes, low fat cheese sticks, sugar free jello (10 calories), or a protein bar to name a few.  That & I down the water while I snack.

So, as much as I’ve been making progress, I stumble. I struggle and I hate it.  However to cheer me up, I took a photo the other day.  I’m going to leave it here for you to compare J

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