Sunday, December 1, 2013

busy busy busy

I didn't weigh myself this morning. I'm quite afraid to in all honesty.   While Thanksgiving isn't normally a meal I enjoy eating, this year I made a kick ass stuffing and had several refills. Plus there is leftovers.....

I'm back on track though and truthfully, it was hard. While I got to spend the holidays with my nieces and nephews (and later this week I can say I've seen them all), it was quite sad.   I miss my family.  I enjoy seeing members of Rich's family but it is never the same as your own.  Plus I have all this stuff going on in my head....I almost was on the verge of saying SCREW IT!

Watching what you eat is hard people.   Hard! It is such a slippery slope.   

As I said as of this morning, I'm with renewed "vigor" I guess you could say.  

I've been busy this morning.  I had the Christmas decorations and presents all wrapped up before Thanksgiving. This is normally the weekend I would do it, but I had time earlier this week. All that's left is the lights on the outside and on the inside of the windows. I'm taking a break before I do that to write this.

Next week is quite BUSY for me and I will have NO time next weekend to do any of this.

The big thing this year is that there are actually presents.  Last year was very very bad for us financially.  We told the family no gifts. We couldn't afford to do any.  It's still tight but we have a bit more room to get small gifts this year.   A small budget is still better than no budget.  

I love giving gifts. If I could, I'd do it all the time not expecting anything in return.   

Another difficult thing this week has been Galen. He's running into more difficulty than in the past. We've had to assist him getting up more times this week than we had in the past.  Mentally that dog is present. He's still demanding of his snacks. He's still a piggy with food. He still is happy to get attention. His body however isn't cooperating and it saddens me. Galen was my first fur-baby.   He may get on my nerves with his stubbornness and old man attitude but he's still my #1 boy.  Losing Goldberg was hard and I still miss that dog more than you can imagine.   Duchess has helped but it still won't stop the pain I feel having to even consider THAT option.

So as you see, it's been very emotional for me.   Emotions + me + food= a disaster waiting to happen.  Keep me in your thoughts praying for encouragement for me.

I'm very very achy this morning.  Then again, I've been moving furniture and bending here and there.  PLUS I forgot (again) to take my pills.   I need to keep a stash up here.   ON top of that, Rich has the flu. He had a temperature last night as well as some stomach distress.  Rich ill is ..I can only imagine comparing it to a child.   So while he camps out in the basement I'm left to do all this other stuff.

I really do not want to go to work tomorrow.   Praying that the flu stays away from me. I said I had a very busy week coming up.  A lot to do.   Plus it's going to emotionally draining for me on Thursday as my kiddies go to the babysitter.

I do hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving.   Some of you should check your Facebook events as there is something waiting for you. 

Have a great first day of December.


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