Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dec 15, 2013

Happy Sunday.
I'm not updating my weight.   The last two-three weeks there has not been any movement. Well, other than an addition of 2 lbs, there hasn't been any.   I'm going to say that is a success. Even though I have been horribly off the way I had been eating, the fact that I hadn't gained more is a huge success.
I'm really really trying to refocus here. I am.   I can give all sorts of excuses but it's really just me.   I'm, I don't know, not into it right now.   Am I feeling blue? Am I overly hungry? Am I overly emotional? Yes, no,maybe?  All I know is focusing as been very difficult.  
To add insult to injury, literally, my left knee is REALLY messed up.  It's not the arthritis pain that I've had. It has NOTHING to do with the usual knee issues I've had.  This is a whole other ball game.  The whole outer part of my knee is messed up. Straightening or bending it is scream out loud painful.  I am walking with a cane because some weight or stress at the wrong angle is horrible.   I'm on a mixture of prednisone and cortisone and have a scheduled appointment with my Orthopedic doctor. (Sad that I have one).
So I'm looking into other ways to "exercise" since we know that walking is out.   I have a few ideas so we shall see.   I'm going to focus extra hard on the eating now that my exercise is out.
Poor Duchess. She's going to go nuts and drive me nuts when I do not walk her.
I'll keep you informed on the knee. Here's to hoping it's not serious. I do not need that.
See you next time.

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