Sunday, December 22, 2013

Up and Down. The Journey through Pictures.

Hey. No new news. I'm petrified to get on the scale.  

I did get out to walk Duchess today. That's progress. I didn't walk far and I took it slow. Hopefully the knee won't give me too much trouble.

So instead of writing all this stuff no one cares about, I've decided to give you my weight issues in pictures.   SO let's get it started.

My first natural weight loss was a six month period in early 1991. I lost 35 lbs without even trying.

This dress was bought a month before I wore it & by the time I had to wear it to prom, we had to pin it to my bra so it wouldn't fall off.
BTW, it's not 1999--this is 1991.

I was a skinny 155 lbs. Size 14.  Even skinny, I wear what is considered plus sizes.

We've made it to 2004, let's keep going and see the weight climb.

Here's another one during this time period.

Check those skinny legs out :)

The next photo in my weight saga is from right after I was married. In this photo, I'm 185 lbs I believe and still a size 14 maybe a 16 on some items.

Still pretty good.

To the right is another 3 years later and I'm a size 16 and weight 220 lbs. Still not too bad in my opinion.

That photo was taken right after we returned from over seas.  

I was active and worked out regularly yet still gained.  However I was healthy so it wasn't all bad.

We're now forwarding to  2003: Atkins & 70 lbs lost. 

We've made it to 2004, let's keep going and see the weight climb.

 On to 2005.  Gained some weight but still looking pretty good.   

2006, you can see my face is starting to round out, gained some more.  
I would love to be THIS over weight right now.  I have a ways to go and I WILL get there!!

Once Christmas is behind me I'm done! Done with the Christmas treats.

Now here's where we start climbing on up. I blame the switch in jobs and the group I was with. We loved to eat and hat pot lucks practically every week.     2007 and I'd say I'm at 285 now.I'm not happy about this fact and I know I need to do something at this point. Whether or not I can, I don't know.

In 2008 something happened that helped me get on track. NKOTB reunited. Not only did they reunite, they were doing meet & Greets. I had three scheduled and wanted to look good.  I lost about 15 lbs.  You can see it in my face the weight has started coming off again.

I would love to be THIS over weight right now.  I have a ways to go and I WILL get there!!
Work Christmas party 2008

Once Christmas is behind me I'm done! Done with the Christmas treats.

Now, this is where it starts to go to Shit.   2009 was an AWFUL year.  Rich lost his job and things were getting tough in school and life just sucked.  I was so busy and stressed at the end of this year. 
This is me on my July trip to Texas with my friends.  

xNow, we enter the zone where pictures are rare. This is when I was ill and not feeling well.  Pictures are few and far between because I didn't go anywhere. I sat at home in pain. I hurt and I was miserable and I gained and gained.   This picture is from DEC of 2010.     I'm not visibly "round". I have a big middle and my face is round.  I tried to wear things that covered my middle.   I didn't want my picture taken at all but with my family, you can't avoid. it.

The next pictures are from 2011. I am more "active" with friends so there are photos from this year but at this point in time, you can see just how big I've gotten from the earlier pictures. There is no "hiding' my weight gain.

By June, I'm finally on meds that work and more active but it's still too late for me weight wise.

Jan 2011

Nov 2011
AND NOW.... 2012.

 So here we now are ready for the worst of the worst.  The absolute horrible high weight.  

This is where it's at it's worst.  I'm now RIDICULOUSLY Obese. I'm in so much pain and I'm MISERABLE

Welcome to 2013.   

This photo was taken in February at Rich's birthday celebration. LOOK at that. I'm ROUND. It is obvious all over.   It's sad. I'm miserable. I hurt to stand. I hurt to walk. I hurt.

August 2013

August 2013

There is absolutely NO hiding the weight. 
The above picture was taken 1 week before the journey really began.

Taken one of the last times I wore that outfit.  I'm down 30 I "think".   I can no longer wear that blouse.

 Looking better. 
Down 30
Down 40

Now we're at 50 lbs and stuck. Through no fault but my own.  Want to know where on the previous photos I am ?

Go back to Jan 2011, that is where I am at now.   
Dec 2013

Dec 2013

Down 50 LBS

My weight journey in pictures part 1.    Part 2 hopefully in a few months.

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