Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers Day

Welcome and Happy Mothers Day to all you Moms out there.  

SO my week has had some progress.  I'm none too happy about the past few days, but after significant progress and then a slow down, I usually am not.

So I don't know if I mentioned, but for my weigh-in with the biggest loser, I lost 12 lbs.   I am just lbs away at where I was.   SO I need to step in gear and lose some more!!

BTW, lbs away means 2.    So yay.   

I also decided it's been awhile since you've seen any progress pictures.   I decided to do something I was dreading, but it's important to show how long I've come.

The picture I'm about to share was taken last June by my uncle.   This is just two months before I started all this.   I cried when he sent me the photo.   I look awful. It was soo hot and I'm sooo big.   How did this happen?  (I KNOW how it happened).

The other two photos are 1) me in the same outfit.   and 2) a picture of my face. Now this photo is BEFORE I lost the 12 lbs. But the point is, there is still progress.   I don't have any photos of my face currently that I'm willing to share, so this will have to do.     
These are IN PROGRESS photos, not the final result.   I have tons more work to go.

DESPISE this picture.
Same outfit.  Just hangs--Very loose as well as the capris.

12 pounds ago. Taken last month. That's a dear friend of mine btw.

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