Sunday, May 18, 2014

Here we go again!

Hi there! 
Fyi,  I'm starting this part on Tuesday evening. Not sure when I'm posting yet though.
Weighed in for Biggest Loser on Monday.  I normally do Tuesdays and I should have waited.  They say nearly 2 pounds, but it should have been closer to four.
This morning I woke to a big shock. I can officially say that I now lost all that I gained between December and April. Additionally I would like to report that I lost an additional pound.  So I will now to back to Sunday weigh ins.
I also have to start going through my closet again.  Some items are feeling very loose. 
On Monday I arrived at work early enough to work out in the gym.  My bike workout at home is on hold.  Due to storms in our area and LOTS of rain,  my basement is a bit water logged. 
Thursday I'll have 2 work outs,  the bike at the gym and aqua zumba. Did I mention I need a new swim suit? Mine is getting a bit loose.
I'm in week 3 of my diet and have lost a total 16 or so pounds. Yay.
Maybe I'll reach my 30 lb goal by Vegas?  Fingers crossed.
Basement update. Lost the carpet, padding & moulding. We're waiting on the status of the drywall.
My bike is kept down there so we're going to have to figure something out.   Maybe it's ok for now as my knee has been really bad. Weather related? We'll see.
Weigh in this morning : down 57 lbs.  W00t W00t. 


Well if you haven't looked at the number, I am now down 61 lbs. As a reminder, in November I stopped at -52.  So I have now lost all that I gained PLUS 9 more. We're back on track.

I do have to say the HARDEST part of this diet--I miss peanut butter.  I  miss it so much. Rich loves peanut butter and it kills me to smell it.

Last night, I had a bit more of salsa and 'dip' than I'm allowed and it knocked me from moderate to trace in ketones.  I need to make sure I get back up.   Not good.  
I'm not too upset because I know I can do it.   

 Since starting this diet, I've lost 25 lbs.    That's in three weeks in case you lost track. I start week 4 tomorrow.

So let's celebrate!