Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday Weigh in & other thoughts

Good Morning!   I hope you are enjoying your weekend.   Please remember to stop this weekend and remember those who've given up their lives for our country.    Ironically, over a Memorial Day weekend, we lost a dear friend who we now remember. 

I had a busy weekend and many thoughts flying through my head.  So you may just get a long post out of me.

First, let's start with the weight update.  Sorry, I forgot what I weighed last weekend.   I think it's down another 3lbs.  So according to MY tracking, I'm down a little over 64 lbs.  According to what my medical record will say, that's 68lbs.   Yikes!!!  I check in with both the Biggest Loser AND my dietician this week.  Should be interesting.    

Since I started this diet, going on 5 weeks, I've lost 28 lbs.  I don't know when I'll be getting off this, something I need to talk to the Dr & dietician about. 

At this point in time, I'm about 70 lbs away from my acceptable goal. 

Second thought:
This weekend my parents are visiting. Yesterday we headed to the islands for the day.   It is just so weird for me to think about. A year ago I would not have been able to have done this.  I would not have been able to walk anywhere. I would not have been able to stand for any significant amount of time.  

One of the places we visited was a cave.  There was a lot of climbing of stairs, crouching down, slouching and other physical activities to view the cave that I would never have been able to have done last year.    It blows my mind, just how far I've come.

Also at the same time, I'm so disappointed.  I've told you all about this weight loss, but the only place I see it is in the scale and my clothing. I do not see it.   Others say they can, but I still can't. I still see the same overweight girl.

Another thing that makes me sad, I'm near having lost 70 lbs.  While that number is impressive, the last time I lost 70lbs, I was skinny.  Now, I'm just starting to make a dent.   I can't believe I ever got that big.  It's depressing.

Third, along those same lines. There was a woman on the boat yesterday.  She was big.  Tall and overweight.  I asked my mother, was I that big?  I never saw it in the mirror, but I saw it in photos.   I wanted to know what other people saw.   While I wasn't quite the size of that woman I saw, apparently, I was BIG.    It was shocking to see what others may have seen.   

I still have a hard road ahead of me.  I need to buckle down and get moving.

Well, I think that's enough for now. I'm sure I'll have more to share later this week. 

Again, enjoy your weekend, Thanks a veteran, & remember those who are no longer with us.


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