Wednesday, September 10, 2014


FEB 2013
Well, it's official.   I weighed in at the dietitian's today and confirmed my own weigh in this morning.  I am down 100 lbs.

This is my celebration post.   I had my celebration snack this morning and we high fived at the office today, so now is the celebration post.

I find it just so unbelievable that I just lost 100 lbs.   Well, I didn't 'just' since it took 13 months to do it. Thirteen months of struggling, cheating, working hard and just chugging along.

Down 100
 So let's review:
13 months to lose 100 lbs.

52 pound lost Aug 18-October 25
15 lbs gained Jan-April.
Started PSMF at the end of April and June: lost 63 (including that 15).

Down from a size 30/32 to a size 20.

Walked two 5Ks. Regularly do 10K steps a day.  Feeling healthier than I have in a very long time.

Although yes I'm celebrating, I'm also cognizant of the fact I still have work to do.  My original goal weight is 37 lbs. away.  My dear friend Margery has said to me numerous times that I am going to surpass that.  I probably will.  It's too much to think about right now.  I need to have patience.  

Am I incredibly proud of myself, you betcha!  There was a time when trying to lose 5 lbs. was a battle.

I look like a different person in those 2 photos.   Shocking.

This next picture is one I took yesterday.  I am drowning in my clothes.  The pants I've owned forever and either "just fit" or were extremely tight.  This is the first time that they're baggy.  Very baggy and hanging off me.

That blouse. I love that blouse. I bought it awhile ago and wore it a few times. Then I started losing weight and realized it would be super baggy, so I bought one 2 sizes lower.

That's the one I have on in this photo.

I looked online and it's still available, but only in a size 30.  Sorry, not that desperate for it.  So in a few short weeks, I'll have to get rid of this blouse as well.

I think one of the reasons people are shocked when I do wear something flattering is they're so use to seeing baggy things and it hides a lot of my progress. 
When I wear tighter items, it shows my work off and that is what shocks people.


The Hula Hoop project:
Still trying to work on that thing.  Still can't keep it going and I try every day.   Again not sure if it's me or the wrong size. I'll still keep trying though.

SO thank you again for reading. Thank you for following and your support.  Thank you!