Sunday, September 28, 2014

September 28


Easily lost the water weight that I gained and a few more to just be sure.
Just very glad that the scale kept the downward trend.

I had ample opportunity to be bad this week, including yesterday in which I attended two of my favorite little people's third birthday.   I stuck to my guns and when it came time for lunch, I just walked next door to my house to have my own, diet approved lunch.  

The grand scheme of things, the official weight loss is at 104lbs.  Meaning I've lost an additional 4 pesky pounds.
The tracking weight loss is at 99 pesky pounds. 

I knew I was losing before stepping on the scale. I've become very in tuned to my body and can see the subtle signs when I'm not doing well. It's really weird & cool.  I notice it mostly in the middle.  Whatever I see, as long as I can reign myself in, it's all good.

I'm really anxious to finally get off PSMF, reefed, and return to how I was eating before-watching calories only.   There are lots of low calorie, low fat items I enjoyed and would love to enjoy again. Namely the Strawberry Cheesecake Greek Non Fat yogurt for breakfast. 

Rich & I have a little vacation coming up and I'm not too worried.  One, Rich will keep me on track and two, I won't allow myself to slide .   I'm getting excited about that. We haven't done something like this in awhile and I'm really looking forward to some time away from the pups. A week + before we go.

Also later in the month, I'm heading back to Tenn.   I'm flying this time so we do not need to worry about me slacking. With my walking track & my parents to make sure I behave, shouldn't be an issue.

Tomorrow is the Biggest Loser Ceremony at work. Too bad we couldn't do last minute weigh ins. IN the span of a week I went from losing only 12 pounds to losing 18.

Thanks for sticking by me and supporting me through the tough times.   I can't promise that I will not have any more slip ups, but I can promise I'll try my hardest to avoid them if I can.

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