Wednesday, September 10, 2014


OK, I'm not sure if I should really be celebrating or not.

I got on my scale this morning and based on that, I hit a big milestone.  I celebrated by allowing myself 2 cookies for breakfast.

Then I got dressed and realized, today is my Dietitian appointment.  This is the real measure. The official measure and it might not be the same....  SO

this is a preliminary post ...celebration is held off for either later today or tomorrow?  Or whenever it's "official".

SO, if you happened to be lucky enough and log on and see this post before I tell anyone know something's going on. :)

One thing I did notice today though, I have only lost about 13 pounds between visits. While that is still good progress, my lapses in the diet this past month have greatly affected my weight loss total.  That is no ones fault but my own.  I chose to 'cheat big' and I know that. 

Maybe I'll still be able to celebrate in spite........check back after 3PM to see if I hit it.

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