Sunday, September 7, 2014

Hula hoop part 2, New Shoes, New Jeans and more....

It's Sunday!  Right now it's looking pretty nice outside. Nice to me equals the sun being out and no rain...Yay.

Well, good luck to Sarah who is running her first half marathon today! Kick Butt!!

So, if you read the last post you know I purchased a weighted hula hoop.   Yikes.  It's really freaking hard.   Am I really that uncoordinated?  I've watched tons of videos on how to keep it up, but I just can't do it.  I'm beginning to wonder if I have the wrong size or if it really is because I am not able to move enough.   I'm going to keep on trying. 

My trusty ole pair of NB
So, those of you who have followed me from the beginning know that last year I gave in and bought a pair of new shoes to help with my walking.  Prior to this, I was a payless tennis shoe girl.  $25 for a pair of shoes that lasted me about 6 months usually.  

I wear my tennis shoes to work all the time, even before I began all my walking.  I'm assuming that due to my weight, the pressure on my feet was pretty bad.  It was painful to wear anything that didn't have a strong arch & heel support.     So last year, knowing I needed a good pair of shoes, I bit the bullet.  I bought a pair of New Balance.

I wore those shoes practically every day. I walked in them MILES upon MILES. I lost a lot of weight in those things.   Best pair of shoes I ever owned.  Only now, they're looking a little worse for wear. I knew it was time to get another pair.

I hate that they cost an arm and a leg, but I love the support they give and that they last.  The other thing that sucks is my shoe size.   The beloved pair I owned were men's. My gigantic foot size was not carried in women's. 

My New pair
Yesterday after stopping at several shoe stores, we ended up back at New Balance. Again I had to get men's shoes.  I like these though. They are 'smaller' overall, so my feet do not look quite so gigantic.
At the time of my typing this up, I do not have a picture, but by the time you read this, I'll add them :)
I'll let you know how the new pair is working out.

When I returned from my TN trip, I bought myself a new pair of jeans.  They were supposed to be fitted.  I wore them yesterday (I looked quite good in my outfit btw). They've already stretched out and now I have the feeling they will not last much longer.  GRRRR.  I'm tired of having my clothes hang off me.  Is something fitted too much to ask?  

Side by Side

It's at that point that I will not be buying new clothes for a few weeks. I have a feeling I'm going down a size again.

So, progress check.  After trying to sabotage myself -I think I'm good again.   Rich is really being supportive and trying to help me as much as he can.  
So with that being said, today's GRAND TOTAL (different than what My Fitness Pal is reporting) as of this morning is......98 pounds.     Just a reminder of the 4 lb difference between MFP and the grand total.  Grand Total is the difference from what I weighed at the start of all this and MFP is what I input after I bought my tracking scale. I had lost 4 lbs in that time.  

So, almost there to the triple digits.   I have an appointment with Gretchen on Wed, so I am hoping to post the celebration then.        GO ME!!!!!!!!!!

Pretty Neat?

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