Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

Hey. I haven't had much to say lately as I haven't been feeling too hot.
Monday night or Tuesday morning I woke up with the worst sore throat.   I figured I was getting sick as whenever I get sick, it starts in the throat and moves to the chest area.

This time, it wouldn't "move". I had the sore throat for 3 days. It is painful and today it felt like someone was stabbing my throat.

I was lucky enough to get a doctors appointment.  They tested me for strep but the initial test was negative. They still sent it out.   After talking with this doctor, we discussed just how often I get sick. Additionally how often it turns into bronchitis.   We traced it back to when I started the meds. Turns out some of the meds I'm on compromise my immune system and THAT is possibly why I am prone to infections.

So while the test came back as negative for strep, they're treating me as if I have it due to my susceptibility for infections.

Joy Joy.

Weight loss wise, this visit was very informative.

Item number one learned: my weight is down according to their scales. I am down 50 lbs per my medical record.  (Going back to August 16).

Item number two learned: My blood pressure is down!  It's back to the normal range it was BEFORE I got ill. My pulse was down as well. Rich of course had to point out it might be down due to being ill.   

Item number three learned:  This didn't hit me until i was walking out of the exam room.
The chair!  Normally it's very snug. I got in and out of it this time with no issues.

Other item learned: Cepacol! Why hasn't anyone told me about this stuff before? With the number of times I get ill--this would have been very handy to have. 

I don't care for the tongue & mouth numbing portion of it but the throat numbing???? HEAVEN! 
I'm on antibiotics and hope to return to work tomorrow.

Today's steps are a loss. Sad to say seeing as I did over 11K the past three days in spite of my throat issues.

Normally I would be getting ready to climb into bed but I took a 2 hr nap when I got back from the doctor, so I'm not quite there yet.

Other newsworthy items:
I've been eating real candy AND I had a piece of real pizza.

Rich bought those Reese PB footballs. 90 calories each. At the end of the day, I've been having one.   They're soooooo good.  I keep wanting more but I don't.   I know if I give in, it's a very slippery slope.   It is nice to enjoy something not healthy though.

The pizza. Our big bosses bought us lunch for our division meeting.  I had one piece.
It was disappointing and made me feel overly stuffed.   I skipped the yummy looking chocolate cake though. Wish I had had that instead.     

I think I'm pretty much in the mindset to be able to eat other things and not go over board.  I do have a pretty good support system at work and at home.  I'm very lucky to have that.   

So, until next time....Happy Halloween (no we didn't give out candy.....)

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