Sunday, January 19, 2014

It's Sunday!

Hi, yet again.   

I'm hoping to get back to my regularly scheduled Sunday posts.   As you can see, I've been chatty the past few days.  I can't guarantee that I will continue to be so, but I promise to try.    If you've taken the time to come check in and read, I could make the effort to give you a little something.

Well, yesterday I was back on focus. I didn't make it under my calorie goal, but I was not too far off.  That's improvement to me.   

I did jump on the scale this morning. I think I may have lost a lb.    It's in the right direction, so I will take it.

Duchess is doing her part.  This morning, almost all morning long, she's been hyper. She and I played on the floor for awhile.   She did several laps around the living room and still wanted to wrestle a bit more.   On top of all that, she has been whining big time to my face.  So, as trained as I am, I got all wrapped up in layers, grabbed my boots, and her leash and off we went.

We walked in the snow (as the sidewalks and streets are still covered).   It was a work out to me as trying to walk in those boots and snow was definitely extra effort.   It wasn't as long of a walk as I'd have liked to burn her energy, but I'm still watching the knee.

She still has plenty of energy to burn so I may end up taking her on another later on. She really needs a play mate.   :(

Well, to keep some things positive, below was taken from my medical record. This is a graph of my weight . This pretty much sums up everything I've been blogging about.  You see the weight loss and then the plateau with slight gain.  Still, look at that slope!

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