Monday, January 13, 2014


I meant to post yesterday, but then I was distracted.

How is your new year treating you?  I hope well.

Let's fill you in on my struggles.  First,  the knee is still bad.  I had my mri and go this Friday to discuss the results and action plan.  I hope it's just arthritis soi can just get another shot.  I want to walk without pain again.  This one has derailed me in a way I hadn't anticipated.  Fingers crossed.

Second,  total weight gain ended up being 7 pounds total.  Booo. Hiss.  So I am first going to do a loss count of the seven before I get back to total Last.  So as I said for the time period of Thanksgiving to New Years,  seven pounds were gained.

Third,  amount lost.  Small progress. I have lost two of the seven. Baby steps.  I need to kick it in gear if I am to win the diet bet. I met with the dietician on Friday also.   I really need to work with her to get focused again.

Suggestions?  What exercises do you do that do not require the use of a knee? I'm looking to start on that.

I do want to say to those of you who actually look forward to reading this each week  that I am sorry I've slacked as of late.  I mentioned my knee has derailed me and I mean that. I have been so bummed about the gain and pain that I have not felt like writing. 

Losing a significant amount of weight is hard.  Especially when trying to avoid the surgical route.  I just want to be healthy and active again.  I didn't realize how much I enjoyed walking until I was unable to.   I will try harder.  Keep with me.

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