Thursday, January 23, 2014

This is the type of bar I'm talking about!

As I mentioned in a previous post, I've been having issues with chocolate.   A conversation between two friends ended up with a recommendation that has turned things around for me. 

One of the things I've eaten often in the past are Protein bars. I tend to favor Atkins Chocolate Peanut Butter bar and Zone Perfect's Greek Yogurt Vanilla Berry.  While the Zone Perfect is my favorite one, it never fills me up.    The Atkins bar is good too but the sugar alcohols mess with my stomach.  
For those of you unfamiliar with Sugar Alcohol and their effects, just read this for a quick study: The Effects of Sugar Alcohols
(READ THE REVIEWS. Those are not jokes, TRUST ME!!)

So they were talking and long story short it got mentioned about my issues and this new brand of bars were recommended.  Good Greens bars. They're made by a local company and are not like the rest of the bars out there.   
First off, almost all, if not all, of the bars contain 100% of your daily fruits and vegetables. 
Then they're Vegan friendly, gluten free, 10-12 grams of protein, antioxidants, probiotics, and most are low glycemic.
Being the awesome neighbor that Sarah is, she stopped to pick up a few for me. 

Let me tell you right now, these things are heaven. They are full of delicious flavor. They are completely void of sugar alcohols. And I now can have a chocolate fix with minimal impact to my diet.     

There are so many flavors. To name a few:   chocolate mint, chocolate raspberry, chocolate coconut, chocolate peanut butter chocolate chunk, wild berry and the greek yogurt bars: banana nut, blueberry bliss, apple crumb, and pumpkin spice.    

I have tried: chocolate raspberry,chocolate peanut butter, chocolate coconut, chocolate chunk, banana nut, and apple crumb.  
All delicious. Rich has tried the blueberry bliss and swears by it. 

So I'm going to do a quick side by side comparison of the Atkins PB bar and Good Greens PB bar.

Serving size 1 bar (60g) Serving size 1 bar (50g)
  Value   Value
Calories 240 Kcal Calories 195Kcal
Calories from Fat 120 Kcal Calories from Fat 80 Kcal
Total Fat 14 g Total Fat 9 g
Saturated Fat 8 g Saturated Fat 2 g
Trans Fat 0 g Trans Fat 0 g
Cholesterol <5 mg Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 190 mg Sodium 65 mg
Total Carbohydrate 23 g Total Carbohydrate 24 g
Dietary Fiber 9 g Dietary Fiber 5 g
Sugars 1 g Sugars 14 g
Sugar Alc. 11 g Protein 10 g
Protein 17 g    

Net Carbs: 2 for Atkins & 19 for Good Greens.  Yes, that may seem high but take into account the processed items that are in the Atkins bar, not to mention 11g of Sugar Alcohols.  
Additionally, full day's fruits & vegetables in the Good Greens. I personally think the extra carbs are worth it.  Then again, anything without sugar alcohols makes my day.

The big bonus here is that they taste wonderful.  I get my chocolate fix without the guilt or stomach upset.  

The big thing for me is the taste and curbing of my chocolate cravings.   Read about Good Greens here:

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