Saturday, January 18, 2014

New breakfast

Well........ I tried my new breakfast.  First,  let me tell you,  those shakes are going to take some getting use to.  They aren't exactly nasty but they are not an Atkins dark chocolate Royale shake(which I love). I had to pull out some wheat thins flatbread crackers to help me down the shake.

This will take time.  Afterwards,  I followed up with an egg.  We'll see how that works . The crackers added 60 calories, but otherwise not too bad. 

Then again,  check back with me in an hour to see how my hunger is at that time.


  1. I think my protein shake this morning had around 240 cal, it is yummy.

  2. your is pre-made? I have a smoothie maker and use protein powder, almond milk and today I added frozen strawberries. Not quite the same, so I'm not much help.

    1. Yes they're pre-made. I have limited time in the morning and if I had to make them, I'd never get out of here on time.
