Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

Welcome to 2014 everyone.   I hope you all had a safe and wonderful new years celebration. 
Today I'm going to talk about My New years Promise. To me, promise Sounds so much better than resolution.
Resolutions are broken all the time and usually within days' So I'm going to use -Promise' instead

my 2014 Promise to myself is the following-
-- I'll wholeheartedly recommit to my healthier eating
-- I'm going to find ways to exercise even with a bad knee
-- I will lose 10 more lbs. by Jan 31.
-- No matter what, I will try to remain more positive
-- l will walk at LEAST one 5K
-- l will be supportive to my other lifestyle change friends
--I will lose the rest of the weight in 2014!!!

what about you guys? What are your promises to yourselves?

Thank you! Thanks to all my readers & supporters this past fall. your kind words and support have meant the world to me. I appreciate you for taking time to follow me and just be supportive .

Happy 2014!

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