Sunday, June 1, 2014

Diappointing week


How was your week?  Those dieting/watching their weight, I hope you had a good week.  If you didn't, don't lose hope.

My week was definitely frustrating to say the least. After my wonderful weigh in last Sunday, the scale was not my friend.   By Tues, I was down two and by Wed, I was back up to Sunday's weight.  It stayed that way until yesterday morning, when I discovered I gained a pound. Say Whaaaaa?

On Wednesday, I met with Gretchen (Dietician).  She was really pleased with my results.  I also discussed with her my frustration over not being able to eat all the wonderful items I've had thrown in front of me recently.  It's just soooo maddening I have to say No and then the scale stalls.
We also discussed the goal we were trying to reach before we start the re-feeding process.  

The results are this:   First, she warned me that my weight loss will start to slow down. The quick lb a day thing was probably going to end and it would move slowly from then on (Yeah no kidding!).
Secondly, 20 more lbs. to go and we'll start weaning me off the diet.

It has been extremely frustrating to not see it move when I'm taking in as few calories as I have.
I guess I need to get more exercise in.  I will try my hardest to achieve that.  

Friday night and Saturday morning, we spent that time painting the family room. While there is no molding or carpet, this was the perfect time.  I tried to put a little more into it so I could burn a few calories (not to mention sore limbs).

Last night we attended a wedding of some friends of ours.   On the good side, I had yummy options: Asparagus, chicken and roast beef.  Plus we started with a yummy salad.  I was able to eat my fill and stay within the confines of my diet.     
Additionally, I was out there on the dance floor for a bit.

I could dance for a bit and there was no pain (aside from the hurting in my calves from the heels.   No back or knee pain.  A year ago, that would have been impossible.

My weigh in with the dietician put my OFFICIAL weight loss at: 68 lbs. (as of 5/28) Remember my official weight loss differs from my record keeping by 4lbs.  It took 4 days to get me a scale before I started keeping track.

An outfit I wore on August 3, I wore again this week. The difference is surprising.   What was once a long tunic, is now a dress on me.  

August 3 2013

May 29 2014
As you can see, I'm not so round anymore. It's noticeable in the face and the middle.  The legs too but I don't think it's as obvious in this photo.

The last thing of note that I have is as of this morning, the scale FINALLY moved!!  I think between the painting and dancing, I finally got my system to kick start.   From the 1 lb. I gained, I lost that and another, for a total of two.  So from LAST week's total, I lost 1 more lb.    Slow but steady.

I'm hoping to continue to have movement downward. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to lose that last 20 lbs.  I want to go back to just watching my calories and allowing myself a snack here or there.  

Last night they had a cupcake table.  DO you understand how good the cupcakes looked. They weren't boring ole flavors either.  It was maddening.   I want CUPCAKES. NO, I just want to have something with a sweet flavor, a change of pace.

Well, that's all I have.  Until next time folks........Thank you so much for reading.

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