Sunday, August 17, 2014

Happy Sunday.

Hey. No weigh in today because I did that the other day.   Besides, I already ate and all that jazz before I remembered I should have weighed myself.

So, as I mentioned I'm here in Tenn visiting my family. I've been pretty good this weekend. I went to my walking park and did very well.  I did 3.5 miles Friday and Saturday morning.  As I briefly mentioned earlier, I'm pacing just under 18 minutes/mile. I'm very excited about that.  Next week, my post for Sunday will be delayed until the evening as I am doing the

Since that's early in the morning, I'll not be ready to post until later in the day.
I have done well with my steps the bast 2 days.  Over 13-15K steps.

Also while visiting, we went to the mall yesterday. What's significant about that is I actually did some clothes shopping while there. The past year, I've bought a new piece here or there as needed. This was the first time I actually bought a handful of items.  There was a really nice sale and I was able to get 7 pieces of clothing (tops and pants) for about $100.  
It's so nice to put on articles that fit just right and don't hang off me.   Now that I have a figure again (vs the "blob"), I feel comfortable wearing fitted items.  Plus the compliments that I've gotten when I do wear fitted item--I don't hate looking at my body like I once did.

I'm heading back home today, so my step totals will drop.  I need to keep busy somehow.

Before I end, consider donating to the Wounded Warrior Project

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