Saturday, August 2, 2014

Saturday Post

Hi. You will still get a Sunday post tomorrow with my weekly status, I just had some things to talk about and I have the time.  

So, I'm continuously cleaning out my closet as I put things on to wear and discover they're loose or I do wear something that drives me crazy because it's falling off of me.  Yes that happens. I still can't believe it myself.

As I mentioned earlier this week, I gave a speech for our Biggest Loser kick-off.  I heard from someone who had not been present that my speech was very inspirational.  Then yesterday I had a nice long conversation with a co-worker about my tips and tricks and all that.   I find I really enjoy giving my knowledge if it will help someone else.   I'm not ever there yet and people ask me for ideas, how I do it, etc...   Maybe that whole motivational speaker thing isn't that far fetched?

Why do people feel inspired by me? I'm still over-weight. I still struggle.  I still have a long way to go.  Maybe those reasons are why?   I'm a normal average anybody struggling with weight issues and just barely winning.   I'm relatable? I'm realistic?  Who knows? 

Aside from those of you who read this blog to support me (and I thank you all. I really do), why do you read?? I'd really like to know.   Am I inspiring or motivating you? Do you just think I'm a nut?  I'm really curious about what makes you come back to read. 

I finally hunkered down and bought a replacement Fitbit.  I came to the realization that THAT may be part of the problem.  When I had the FB before, if I was short 10K, I would push myself for more. Without it, if I was tired. If I was lazy, I wouldn't push myself. 
I bought the Flex, which is a wristband that I can wear 24/7 as long as there is a charge in the battery.  I feel this way I shouldn't misplace it so often. I shouldn't forget to put it on.  Plus it has the nice option of monitoring my sleep.  I really like that option since sleep is something that is precious to me as I once had issues with sleeping.

Ok. Onto the next item.
I need your opinion on something. I can't really judge this on my own for a few reasons, but you can because you do not have the knowledge that I have.

Progress picture time.

June 2013

May 2014
July 5 2014

The outfit went from just barely fitting to hugging the curves to hanging off my body.

OK--onto the thing I need your opinion with.
I'm going to show you this picture of me from July of 2009.  I guess I should put a disclaimer up that it was HOT that day (100+) and we had to wait out in that sunny heat to sign in. I was also drunk. Free wine......yeah not a good combo.   So here's the pic:

Me with Danny Wood July 2009
Ok. Now that you've taken a good look at the picture.   Look at these and give me your opinion. 


 I need you to be HONEST.  How do **I** look? Bigger? Smaller? The Same? It's the same skirt.

Be honest.  Don't be afraid of upsetting me if I look bigger? Tell me.  This is important to me. 

I will explain in a later post why I needed an opinion of someone besides me.

 So, I will see you tomorrow with my weekly check in.   Have a great Saturday!

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