Thursday, August 7, 2014

Looking back...

Sorry Jen, you get to be famous for a post ;) You too Stina...

So in a post or two ago I shared a picture of me from 2009 and asked for opinions.  I got them and thank you all for your input.

A little backstory.  In early 2008, I was big. 
Not far from where I'm at now.   I started watching what I ate in order to lose weight because that was the year NKOTB reunited and I had 2 meet & greets with them. I wanted to look good for my pictures.  

I look at the pictures and I don't hate myself.   I'm not skinny but I'm not huge.

October 2008
July 2009
2009 came along and it was a bad year for us. SO much stress and unhappiness going on here. I gained weight. I knew I did and hated it.  That year I had 3 trips. One for work to San Diego. One to Texas for NKOTB with some friends. Then One to Las Vegas to see Depeche Mode. The two personal trips were booked before Rich was laid off.

The picture I shared is from my Texas trip. 

All this time, I thought I had gained-maybe 20 lbs.  I thought I was in the 290s. I had been under the assumption that I gained most of the 300+ weight after I had gotten sick. I didn't start going to the Clinic until May of 2010, so I do not have clear records of my weight during this time.

After trying on the skirt and looking in the mirror, I noticed that my face appeared thinner, as did my legs.   I couldn't have been wrong, could I?   I posted the pic and wanted an unbiased opinion. After doing so, I found that top.   Tried it on and confirmed what I had already began deducing. I had weighed more that I had thought.  I've had a misconception about what I weighed for awhile. It's very confusing.  I weigh probably what I did at the beginning of 2009, before all the stress hit.

So, I'm as small as I was 5 years ago.  Wow.   I'm further along than I thought.   That's how I sort of keep track, where was I at this point in time.    Chugging along.......

So, there you have it: the reason I asked for opinions. 
Onto...working my ass off.

March of 2009
Yesterday was the first Biggest Loser group work out.  I will have you know I pushed myself hard.  It hurt and it hurt like hell, but I did it.  I worked up a good ole sweat and I'm hurting today because of it.   I'm actually impressed with what I did considering, I wouldn't have been able to do most of it when I started Season 9 of the BL at work.  

I still have a long way to go and I am seriously going to try to condition myself to be able to do those exercises so the next time we do this at the end of the season, I can say I improved.    A goal I guess.

April 2014 before P.S.M.F

I went out and bought smaller work out clothes.  It felt weird that I did that. Also clothing-wise, a bunch more of my items are dropped into the big box.  A box which needs to be picked up soon.
It's unreal to me that I have to get rid of all these clothes I've had for years because I no longer fit in them (a good way). 

So, I got my workout in and today I'm taking it easy.  I've decided I've been working my butt off one way or another every day and I deserve a break. 

A little "Housekeeping" if you will. I'm adding some links to my pages at MyFitnessPal and FitBit for those who would like to friend me.  I'm also adding a pictures page so you can see my progress through pictures in one place instead of various posts......

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