Friday, August 15, 2014

Random Ramblings

Hey.  I didn't get around to posting like I said I would on Wed.  It's been crazy busy.

I'm in Tenn right now and as soon as I'm finished with this post, I'm off to eat. Starving right now.

This morning was very productive for me. I got in a good nights sleep, walked the dog, and also headed out for a 3.5 mi walk.

I have the Foxtrot coming up next Sunday and I need to make sure I'm going to be able to keep pace. Every time I've timed myself, I've been with the dogs. My pace is about 20 mins/mi.  That happens to be the minimum for the 5K.  Today was my first chance to walk and time myself.  I did very well. 17 & 18 minute miles.   I'm quite pleased with that.

Another thing that made me happy: reactions.  Yesterday when I picked my girlfriend up for the drive down she squealed for me as she saw me. I've lost about 20 more since I last saw her.  My parents were also quite blown away by how I look and it's been 30 lbs since I saw them.

I'm going to be honest, yesterday's trip down as not healthy at all. We ate very badly.  We did stop and one point and did get out to walk for about 10 minutes.   I did promise myself that I would get back on track and I am.   I wanted to have Chipotle for lunch but there isn't one anywhere near here.  So i'm going to have to run and find something that can fit into my diet. I'm not worrying too much though, I'm going to be good.

It's going on 1PM here (2PM back home) and I need to get going.

I weighed myself on two different scales here.  2 lb difference and I went with the heavier one.  I'm down about 3 lbs from last week.


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