Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday Update and Cave exploring.

Hey. Just me.
Hey! How's things going for all of you? Big plans for Labor Day?
Nothing planned here except for walking plans.
This week....
There was a lot happening this week.
As I mentioned in last week's post, I was very bad.

I got back on track and worked my butt off to stick to the diet AND walk.
For mid-season weigh in, I was down. Not as much as I should have been due to my bad choices, but down.
I did a work out at work and sweated my butt off.  Worked to get my steps in. 
I've lost one more pound, so that was a good thing.
Yesterday we did something I would never have done prior to beginning all this.  We went cave exploring.  Rich drives to Columbus, Cincinnati, & Dayton a lot for work. Since he isn't near any large highways to get down there, he takes a lot of country roads.  In his journey, he discovered there was a place not too far from us.  He LOVES caves and we decided to head to the place he discovered on his treks.
Seneca Caverns
From the website:
Seneca Caverns in Bellevue, Ohio is one of area's largest underground caverns, and one of America's most fascinating geological wonders.

While I did not earn a lot of steps for this adventure, I did earn a lot of physical points for this visit.

There was A LOT of climbing, twisting, bending, and ducking for this one hour adventure.  It was VERY physical and I'm so excited about all that.  This was a very intense physical trip and I was able to keep up and do it with minimal issues.  My left knee did bug me as I climbed down the natural stairs, but not enough to deter me.

This is something I would never have been able to do at all last year. I'd have been too big to squeeze through a few of the passage ways and there is no way I'd have been able to do all the moving required for this trip.   It was a lot of fun.   We are discussing plans to do more caves next summer.

Heading down to the next level

If you really want to do something different that has a bit of a physical aspect to it, you should look into a Cave Tour.   
Rich is definitely liking my new diet and exercise focus. 

He is loving the meals I make. I have to come up with ideas to keep food from getting "old" from having the same meal over and over with. 
He loves saying "I love your diet" as he finishes off dinner or a lunch I've made for him.
He loves the exercise part because he's a nature guy. He loves going on hikes and loves loves loves cave exploring.  The fact that I can do thing like this and that I want to.  
I wonder if we still lived in Japan if we'd do Mt Fuji again? Guess we'll never know.

Getting ready to go through 'duck rock'

Look what we're going to have to crawl through


Going down?


from 1921

Stopping for a selfie

To read more about Seneca Caverns:




Hello from 'down under'


Baby stalactites


stalactites forming the 'edge' of the rocks


Squeeze on through


Level 7 was flooded.







1 comment:

  1. How fun! I would love to see those! Mammoth Caves in Kentucky are cool too! Keep up the good work!
