Tuesday, August 19, 2014

One Year

Alright, so I'm a day off.
Happy Anniversary to me.

August 16, 2013 I had my consult and various appointments associated with my surgery.
August 18, 2013/August 19,2013 I started my official weight loss 'journey'.

It's been a hell of a year.  In the 365 days that followed I met and blew away goals. I have become healthier. I've become happier. But most importantly, I have become smaller WITHOUT the aid of surgery.

It's been said to me by numerous people that the change in me is very apparent.  Not only physically but emotionally. I appear to be happier and a more confident person.  I guess I agree with that.  I don't find myself sulking away in the corner trying to hide because I'm embarrassed or ashamed or in pain.  I like to socialize.   I'm told I tend to walk with my head up and shoulders back vs the hunched over look.

Where I once could only walk a few hundred feet before the pain overtook me, I am now able to comfortably walk several miles.

Where I once just wanted to walk my dogs, it's a normal everyday thing. 

I have so much energy. Where I once was prone to depressive moods, I haven't really suffered from one in awhile. 

My battle is long from over.  I still have quite a bit of weight to lose, but I'm not thinking "how the heck am I going to ever do this."  No. I'm thinking, "How long till I get there?" 

A big Wow for me was the clothes shopping I did this weekend.  Down another size and just so giddy to be there.   

I do want to take a moment to thank some specific people.  These people have been some of my biggest and most vocal supporters from day one.   Your friendship and support have meant the world to me.  

Thank you to Sarah for all her support, encouragement, laughter, and friendship.  Thank you for also being a sounding board and cheerleader.  

Thank you to Margery for her tell it like it is attitude and support. She always has been my devils advocate and loudest cheerleader.  I'm grateful you're in my life and hope we never lose touch again. Thank you.

Karen-Thanks for your support at work and keeping me on track on those days I have weakness.  Your observations and support keep me from straying and help keep me focused.

Erin-who may or may not read this but who constantly pushes me (especially with our Biggest Loser contest).  Thanks!

Jenny-One of the first people I told about the surgery and huge supporter/cheerleader. You can always find her comments on my posts.  Next NKOTB show we attend together, I will be able to stand the whole show and we'll have a blast.   Your friendship and support is something I appreciate greatly.

My parents for always loving me no matter the size and supporting me through the ups and downs.  You guys really are the best and I am grateful to have you in my life.  Love you.

Jenni--Your weight loss was incredible and sparked my desire to really do something. That's why I followed my Dr's recommendation to follow the bariatric surgery route...I wanted someone to look at me like I did the first time I saw you after your incredible weight loss.

Katey--You were the first person to say "You look like my Laurie again".  That has stuck with me and am glad that after all these years we're still in each others lives.

To the rest of you that I do know and those who read that I don't know, thank you for coming back to read.  Your silent support does help.  Knowing that my words are being read and must mean something to someone.  

Do not take it personally if you were not named.  The way I blog is 'unconscious freeform". I think it, it gets typed.  I rarely edit and sometimes forget what I'm going to write.   I do see your likes on FB, your comments here and on FB.  I do know who is cheering for me.    I do thank you. 

As I said, I have a ways to go, but unlike before, I'm confident I'll get there. It's no longer a how, just a when.


  1. So proud of you!!!! Can't wait till our next NKOTB adventure! We will cruise one year! We will have the time of our lives! Keep up the good work! �� u girl!

  2. That is so sweet of you to mention me! However, you really need to thank yourself - you are doing something so incredible and beneficial for yourself and those around you! Keep plugging away at each weight loss goal and victory!
