Sunday, March 29, 2015


I had a very weird/eye opening experience today.

I got on the scale today and only lost .4 lbs.  SOooooo frustrated. 

Then I realized it's been 4 weeks since I measured my waist and hips. In case I forgot to share, I decided to monitor that every 4 weeks. I didn't do it last time.

SO, I measure my waist & hips.   I measured them twice.   I measured them a third time.   I'm down an inch.    Holy smokes.  I can't believe it. I'm too cautious to believe it.   But I measured everything twice the first time I did that to make sure I had the right numbers.  

Soooo, yeah. I'm losing something.  

I've been mostly good.  I did drink some pop this weekend, but really that's it.  I'm eating less junk food and calories. I go to the gym about 3 times a week.  This past week I even went to a concert where I worked up a sweat dancing up a storm.

I work out at home a any progress I guess is good.     So there you have it. Scale barely moved,  but the measuring tape did.!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Oh....the stuggle.

It's 7:52PM and I'm sitting here in bed with my laptop. I HURT.

I actually went to the gym this evening.   Sarah didn't ask me-no one asked me--I went on my own....Ohhh who am I?

So, anyhow I'm still bummed over the struggle and the fact that my weight loss is soooo slow. I got on the scale this morning and it was only down .6.   I know I have to be losing something!  I notice I'm not as "blown up" ...I don't look as swollen as I did.  My middle isn't as poofy. 

I just don't know what I'm doing wrong.   I'm still working on my arms (the 21 day challenge) and I am still eating better. I go to the gym or I work out at home.   I don't drink carbonated beverages. I only drink water..... WHAT'S THE DEAL?!!!!!!

The struggle is real folks......

Tomorrow is a concert---so who knows what's going on with that.... I'll be on my feet late and up late and really tired an cranky when I log onto work on Friday........... 

We'll see...

Thanks Lissette for all your feedback. I got your message and just need to get around to responding. I suck at that.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday Weigh in....

In the grand scheme of things it's good news.   The official weight loss total this morning from last week was 1 lb.

It was less than I was expecting and a gain from my mid week check up. Rich and I discussed all the reasons why it may have been so miniscule.  He's positive my weight training & going to the gym have contributed to that (as in I'm 'gaining muscle').

I don't know if I agree with that.  Then again, I don't know how long that takes, so what do I really know?   As I said, in the grand scheme of things, I lost weight.   

This weekend we stuck around the house, but we were not lazy.  Between finally painting the basement bath and replacing a few light fixtures, we've kept busy.

Back to the grind this week.   Work, working out, and a concert thrown in there......

Hopefully good news.   

I am still working on the 21 day Arm challenge.  It's easy to do almost anywhere, so I have no excuse not to keep up with this.   On day 9.  

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Saturday March 21

Hidey Ho!

Right now it's Saturday at 10:22 AM.  What have you done so far?  I can happily say I was at the gym first thing this a.m. with Sarah.  Did an hour there and then went grocery shopping.  It's all packed and put away. I just finished my checkbook.   I have about 6500 steps.   This Saturday is shaping up to be a good one.

I've been doing really well.   I've done something every day.  Either the gym or my bike or my arms.  I'm really keeping on track so far. 
It isn't all easy  For example, I was suppose to go to the gym with Sarah on Thursday. I just ached and didn't feel like it.  Oh, I just wanted to take a day of rest.   

I didn't go to the gym, but I forced my butt downstairs to do my bike and some sit-ups.   I just can't let myself go down that road.

Tomorrow is weigh in.   I did a sneak peak during the middle of the week and I'm happy about what I saw. This is even after a bad judgment involving coconut Twix.  I try to allow myself flexibility with what I'm eating.  I account for it and make sure I do something to offset it.   There are a few days when I'm over my calories, but that's ok.  

Another thing--I'm usually quite hungry. OMG, I've been ravenous a few days this week.  It's awful.  I try to push on through though.

My one TREAT that I've discovered and allow myself if Weight Watchers Giant Fudge Ice Cream bars.  SOOOOOO freaking delish.   110 Calories of chocolaty goodness at the end of a hard day. Weight Watchers foods are a godsend.

So, just a little update to let you know I've been mostly good, but definitely on track with the exercise.   

Check back tomorrow for the weigh in.


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Sunday, March 15, 2015

3.15.15- 2.2

Progress!  I lost 2.2 lbs!  I'm shocked and happy. I haven't had a success in a long while.  I'll take each and every small bit as it comes!
Additionally, I started this:
Have a great Sunday!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Saturday March 14

I still plan to do a weigh in post tomorrow.  I'm terrified.  Since my recommitment, I've been *mostly* good. 
Mostly as in  I've stuck to logging my food, working for my steps, and working out.  I have also enjoyed some candy-readily available at work.  I AM trying though.

This morning I am proud to say after I woke up and let the dogs out, I went downstairs to do my recumbent bike.   45 minutes, just over 6 miles.    Depending which tool you look at that's anywhere from 400-800 calories.   I'm conservative with my estimations, so I took the lower estimation.

My neighbor and I have plans to head over to the gym in the afternoon.  

Another thing I've tried a few times and STILL CONFOUNDS ME is my weighted hula hoop.  I STILL can't do it.   I'm going to have to ask an expert.  
HEY FRIENDS/NEIGHBORS, want to come over and try it to see if it's just me?

I try every day....ONE day I hope to have it !!!!!

Another thing I'm going to start doing (as soon as I find the pump) is using my exercise ball as a seat when I'm sitting around the house.  Need to strengthen my core!

So back to my nervousness about tomorrow. My biggest fear is that the needle moved up or not at all.  I would like more than 1 lb but I would be satisfied with 1 lb downward movement.   ANY positive sign.  

SOooooooo I guess check back tomorrow for more?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


So, I didn't make it to the gym yesterday. I had a bunch of errands to do, including getting stuff together for a dual baby shower at work today.

It's for the best. It rained yesterday and it seems when it rains-my arthritis /fibro acts up.  I was all achy.

Today I did go to the gym and did the treadmill for 45mins then did a few reps for my biceps.
Came home and walked the dogs with Rich.

Sounds great.   I did make over 12K steps (Yay) but the above mentioned baby shower...... yeah....didn't do so well with that.

I did log my food so I'm doing much better than I have been.

We'll just keep keeping on.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


I got real this morning.
When I spotted on the scale this morning, I logged it in the scale(i had avoided  doing that) and I measured my waist.  Gulp.

I'm hungry....

On a good note, I feel a whole lot better than last night.  I still have a bad headache, but I feel more human.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Is it spring yet?

I had a reminder on my calendar to blog. Of course I'm not feeling too hot now. Massive headache and exhaustion. I just ate am hour ago, so I don't want to go to sleep immediately. I'm going to try to blog.  Forgive all errors. ..

So my knee. As you know I've complained about it often. I was beginning to wonder if it was the weather or my weight. I now have an answer.  Weather.
Last week I went to Tennessee to work.  The whole first day there it was 20+degrees warmer and raining.  My knee throbbed like you wouldn't believe.  It was obvious the weather change got to me.

The rest of the week however,  nothing. No pains.  I tried to walm during my breaks and when I got off work, no pain.

So I'm relieved is not weight related.  However,  with all my being careful wouldn't you know I hurt it in the most idiotic way!  Standing there on an uneven patch at the dog park. 

Proof that I got out of hand and gained weight?  Back pain has returned. 

Good news that I'm getting serious about getting on track again. ..1- starved to death, err I mean stuck to my diet. Logged it all
2 - gasp!  Joined a gym.  My health insurance has a pretty good plan for gym membership.  3- while I didn't make 12k steps today,  I did use the treadmill until it hurt too much. 

My wonderful neighbor cam be thanked for getting me there and looking into signing up.

Now that money is going into this,  I have to go!

I would have blogged sooner, but every time I remember to I'm in bed and about to pass out from exhaustion.  Like now I guess.

I need to find a measuring tape. I want to get measurements this time around.

By the way, this has been blogged with using my tabletand stylus. ...Forgive all errors. ...