Saturday, March 21, 2015

Saturday March 21

Hidey Ho!

Right now it's Saturday at 10:22 AM.  What have you done so far?  I can happily say I was at the gym first thing this a.m. with Sarah.  Did an hour there and then went grocery shopping.  It's all packed and put away. I just finished my checkbook.   I have about 6500 steps.   This Saturday is shaping up to be a good one.

I've been doing really well.   I've done something every day.  Either the gym or my bike or my arms.  I'm really keeping on track so far. 
It isn't all easy  For example, I was suppose to go to the gym with Sarah on Thursday. I just ached and didn't feel like it.  Oh, I just wanted to take a day of rest.   

I didn't go to the gym, but I forced my butt downstairs to do my bike and some sit-ups.   I just can't let myself go down that road.

Tomorrow is weigh in.   I did a sneak peak during the middle of the week and I'm happy about what I saw. This is even after a bad judgment involving coconut Twix.  I try to allow myself flexibility with what I'm eating.  I account for it and make sure I do something to offset it.   There are a few days when I'm over my calories, but that's ok.  

Another thing--I'm usually quite hungry. OMG, I've been ravenous a few days this week.  It's awful.  I try to push on through though.

My one TREAT that I've discovered and allow myself if Weight Watchers Giant Fudge Ice Cream bars.  SOOOOOO freaking delish.   110 Calories of chocolaty goodness at the end of a hard day. Weight Watchers foods are a godsend.

So, just a little update to let you know I've been mostly good, but definitely on track with the exercise.   

Check back tomorrow for the weigh in.


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