Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Oh....the stuggle.

It's 7:52PM and I'm sitting here in bed with my laptop. I HURT.

I actually went to the gym this evening.   Sarah didn't ask me-no one asked me--I went on my own....Ohhh who am I?

So, anyhow I'm still bummed over the struggle and the fact that my weight loss is soooo slow. I got on the scale this morning and it was only down .6.   I know I have to be losing something!  I notice I'm not as "blown up" ...I don't look as swollen as I did.  My middle isn't as poofy. 

I just don't know what I'm doing wrong.   I'm still working on my arms (the 21 day challenge) and I am still eating better. I go to the gym or I work out at home.   I don't drink carbonated beverages. I only drink water..... WHAT'S THE DEAL?!!!!!!

The struggle is real folks......

Tomorrow is a concert---so who knows what's going on with that.... I'll be on my feet late and up late and really tired an cranky when I log onto work on Friday........... 

We'll see...

Thanks Lissette for all your feedback. I got your message and just need to get around to responding. I suck at that.

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